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  1. drea

    My New 135 Gallon!!!

    sick, good luck w/ it!
  2. drea

    hawian blue puffer in my 12g

    just a dumb question... why does it need a bigger tank? clown fish swim way more than puffers, and the hawian gets to be about 4 inches, right?
  3. drea

    hawian blue puffer in my 12g

    well, its workin now........ idk, i will give him up though.... it will look really nice in her tank...
  4. drea

    strongest possible lights on stock setup?

    word... alright i'll put the old one back in and see what i did..... if it dosen't work i'll have to get a new fixture n stronger lighting! thanx for all the help, i'll let u know what happens (tank is at gf's house)
  5. drea

    hawian blue puffer in my 12g

    i know,it should be at least a 30..its in an eclipse 12g bow, w a chromis and a yellow goby, 15 blue hermits, snails, etc and 20 lbs of lr... i'm suppose to just quarentine it for 30 days for my gf's tank, but i knida wanna keep him and he looks happy in there.... is it really badto keep him...
  6. drea

    strongest possible lights on stock setup?

    so i guess thats why it blew out? thanx, i'll get the proper one and worry about reef stuff later on
  7. drea


    fighting on the net is very lame and gets u no where!
  8. drea

    Anybody Know How To Catch A Cbs?

    what r u gonna do w/it.....? give it away?
  9. drea

    has anyone had a powder blue that lives more than a few weeks !!!!

    maybe try a diff lfs? that was one of my problems once
  10. drea

    strongest possible lights on stock setup?

    i have a oceanic 70 g tall w/the stock florescent bulb..... i recently put in a 20,000 ppm? light and it blew within 10 hrs, why? can i use it or should i get a 10,000 ppm....... i'm a lil confused,
  11. drea

    what about box fish

    i love them, but it killed all! never again.......
  12. drea

    how fast do blue hippo tangs grow?

    dam, the small ones that i saw where 25$ and very nice looking too... mine is like 3.5 inches now
  13. drea

    High nitrates...can't get them down at all.

    sometimes (like what i experienced) is that you are doing everything right and still have a lil nitrates..... this will go away after time that the bacteria builds up..... I was even feeding my fish every other day!!!!!! now i feed them twice a day and have more fish in the tank...... i have a...
  14. drea

    Recommend Fish for 180G

    tangs don't just get ick, if u quarintine them for a month they will be fine! i had ick once cause of not quarintining!!!!!!!!!!! never had a problem again! if it was that bad they would always have ick!
  15. drea

    High nitrates...can't get them down at all.

    i guess everyone has there own methods... imo 40% changes a week is too much, 20 a week is plenty.. they will come down!!!! it may take a few weeks!!!! and adding a nitrate remover will not harm a thing.. the idea that "if its not in the ocean then don't add it" is incorrect!!! we add tons to...
  16. drea

    High nitrates...can't get them down at all.

    do a weekly water change of 5-10 gallons.... get a nitrate remover... I did this and after a couple months, now i barely have any... the system will improve itslef over time
  17. drea

    hatching brine shrimp?

    cool, very good idea, i can't wait to do it.. do u guys soak the brine in vitamens or just use a a treat every so often?
  18. drea

    mandarin food Q

  19. drea

    hatching brine shrimp?

  20. drea

    mandarin food Q
