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  1. drea

    snails and hermits....???

    word... i have blue hermits, and love them, i'll get some of those othe guys maybe
  2. drea

    What is this little guy

    can they hold there own against hermits?
  3. drea

    snails and hermits....???

    i have had a tank for 3 yrs now... and i can never keep snails in the tank cause my hermits eat them all!!!!!!!!!!!! so now i give up.. how many of you have this problem? :scared:
  4. drea

    flame angel owners on long island

    go there bro, everyone there is very helpful, nd cheap prices... most of there fish are top quality w/ shipments all the time
  5. drea

    2 Puffers?

    i would try it, the ones i've had were always mellow
  6. drea

    hawaiian spotted puffer in a non-aggressive 72 gallon?

    i agree, try getting a really small one.. i saw one in the lfs yesterday, must have been the size og a quarter, it was great.... anyway, this is my seconf hawian blue puffer, and they are complete wimps.... my yellow goby attacks him and the puffer does nothing... he is very docile.... my clean...
  7. drea

    Puffers (hawian blue spot) and ich?

    ok, well let me know... i'm going to take the puffer out, so he won't be a problem for a while
  8. drea

    Puffers (hawian blue spot) and ich?

    yup, thats it...... mines very yellow... i'm in smithtown/commack... i could drive to copauge and meet there on sunrise highway next week or something....... or if you ever come out to the island for something let me know and i can meet up...... just let me know
  9. drea

    Puffers (hawian blue spot) and ich?

    um... i forget the name, but he perches on things (yellow clown goby i believe).. i had him since he was a baby.... he's like an inch or bigger? i can get a pic later on.. he has very nice colors.... but he picks on fish... he actually killed my first sailfin... then when i got my other sailfin...
  10. drea

    Puffers (hawian blue spot) and ich?

    Do they tend not to get it? he's been in the qt tank for 3 weeks and i'd like to add him to the main tank... plus my stupid yellow goby is beating him up bad... if anyone wants the yellow goby please let me know... he'd be great for an aggressive tank.........
  11. drea

    how long can ich be on a fish b4 it shows up?

    weird.............. i hypoed 6 fish for like 8 weeks, they have no ich and everything has been great... i'm gonna stick to hypoing everything............ and i hear copper is VERY bad for fish.... idk
  12. drea

    how long can ich be on a fish b4 it shows up?

    how long can ich be on a fish b4 it shows up? meaning, if i don't hypo in my qt tank, but keep the salt at 1.025..... and keep the fish in there for a good 6 weeks, is there a chance it will show up later on? or is hypoing the best way to go?
  13. drea

    Ich and tangs...

    true, i know i will for now on... it will save u from going nuts!
  14. drea

    my tank is doing great! thanx for the help!

    well after surviving ick (by doing hypo) its been a couple months and my babies are great! I have a 70 tall w/ 2 percs, a sailfin and a hippo (snails, hermits, shrimps, etc).... they always swim together and all sleep together.... very strange...... but i feed them at least 2x a day, maybe 3...
  15. drea

    Valentini Puffer BIG TEETH

    thats nuts
  16. drea

    Ich and tangs...

    tangs are fine, just hypo them for 6 weeks and u will never have ick again....... all my fish had ick, i hypoed and they are fine for a couple months now...... i'll be getting a baby kole soon....
  17. drea

    Help : New Lights = Algae Explosion

    bump. interesting
  18. drea

    new 210 fowlr, glass tank or acrylic?

    glass all the way
  19. drea

    Spoted Blue Puffer and Snails?

    i doubt one dead snail will harm ur tank, the hermits would prob take care of that
  20. drea

    QT tank ?

    a very good selection and there is a sale there... you are not far from there at all, i would go down tomorrow if i were you... i'm sure u won't be disappionted