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  1. drea

    going to buy some low light stuff

    yeah, this tank isn't at my house, but i take care of it, so just low light stuff... what about x mas coral, i heard those are non photosenthetic? or what base light would i need to keep shrooms n mushrooms for that tank?
  2. drea

    going to buy some low light stuff

    the name of the light is a coral life 20,000 K 360 output, 36 inch, 30 watt, 1.5 inch diameter.... i think
  3. drea

    pistol shrimp & goby pair?

    are a pistol shrimp and goby a problem to zoos, shrooms, or corals???? i just started getting into ref type stuff
  4. drea

    going to buy some low light stuff

    so, i have a regualer 10,000 something bulb... (forgive me, the tank is at my gurls home...) :notsure: i'd like to add some shrooms or zoos, or feather dusters just to start....... later on w/ the bigger tank we can do a "real" reef............... so what type of shrooms, zoos need very low...
  5. drea

    pistol shrimp & goby pair?

    i thought pairing these guys up was cool? no one else?
  6. drea

    What are some Non photosynthetic Corals

    any more low light stuff? i want to add some more beauty to my tank and start w/ the easy stuff
  7. drea

    pistol shrimp & goby pair?

    should you buy them as a pair or can you try it on your own? also what types of goby's can this work w? i saw a pink zebra type looking goby, and i would love to see him become a pair w/ a pistol shrimp if possible. thanx
  8. drea

    just got two neons 4 days ago, food?

    nice sounds good, can't wait to add some more diff fish
  9. drea

    Cant fish out my tang!!!

    i can catch anything, just sit there and be patient, might take an hr, i have always caught fish, even those mono whatevers, get two big nets and be prepared to fight, be aggressive! try feeeding then snatch him
  10. drea

    just got two neons 4 days ago, food?

    what should they be eating? so far they have eaten pellets and the omega flakes... any pointers or issues w/ them? they seem very active :happyfish
  11. drea

    what do you use to clean outside glass?

    cold water and peper towels, crystal clear job
  12. drea

    Anyone who has Sucessfully kept Tangs!!

    quaratine them and hypo them all b4 addding for like 6 weeks, u'll never have an ich problem again, my tank has gone through poor conditions and so forth, ich has reappeared again and never again been an issue.......... all the stuff about stree and ich is a buch of crap hypo treatment done...
  13. drea

    trade or buy my cute hawian blue spot puffer?(long island, ny)

    He ate most of my clean up crew and my shrimpy, i didn't get lucky w. him(well the sally light foots and emralds are fine)... he lives w/ a 4 inch hippo, 2 clowns and a sailfin... does not nip fins and non aggressive towards the fish i have.. i want to keep a reef type environment though, so he...
  14. drea


    i had four in a 55... they eat live gold fish, they get ugly looking when they are older, nothing great at all, a puffer is 10* better in my opinion
  15. drea

    If I put plants in my aquarium, would a tang eat the plants?

    cool, ima try putting some cheato in behind some lr
  16. drea

    Fish That Are Not Prone To Ich

    my bad guys... i totally missed the 29 gallon.... def do not put a tang in a 29, not even a 55... they will out grow it way to fast, and not thrive...........
  17. drea

    the least favorite fish in your tank?

    i love all mine, they all get along too... sailfin hippo hawian puffer 2 percs
  18. drea

    FYI: Tangs

    i run a probe w/ no breaker.... is that ok? i have a heater and 2 powerheads
  19. drea

    Fish That Are Not Prone To Ich

    once again, get any tang u want, they are the most beautiful fish in my opinion... just hypo them first for like 6-8 weeks (as long as you are patient and can wait) this worx wonders and u will never ever have ich again
  20. drea

    Dorey Fish

    once again guys!!!!! pay attention... if u treat for ich with hypo, it will NEVER come back again unless introduced into the aquarium!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO IF YOU TREAT ICH AND DON'T HAVE IT ANYMORE, BASICALLY U NEVER WILL UNLESS YOU REINTRODUCE IT!!!!! there are...