i want to suprise my gf w/ that dwarf yellow type looking one.. will it eat my yellow and green clown gobies? and are they reef safe?
and if they are eating, all i have to do is drop food in right? i don't want to like hand feeed him or whatever
thanx guys
most of you that have experienced ich.... when did u see it? after getting newly added fish? and how long after they were introduced? anyone ever get it like 3 months later?
just wanted to know if thats possible
my lfs is great, don't notice a thing... i just don't want any ich, thats why i may go ahead and hypo them,,, but will ich develop if they =have it? or can it come later? thats why i just might hypo to mkae sure i kill it just in case
that stop parasite worx?????? idk... i have a kole, 2 clown gobies and a yellow goby in my qt..... should i go ahead and just hypo them? or can i leave them in there a good month and see if ich shows up?
i guess the question is, will ich show up if they have it? otherwise i will def hypo b4...
i know, i paid 20 bux each for them (at a good store too) maybe i'll put a few to the side? idk..... is it worth it? and how where would you guys put them?
my tank had what seemed to be thousands of them...!!!! it was so cool... all swimming around... i take it that none of them will live, but it was very cool!
Do they do this often? I guess its a good natural food source.