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  1. drea

    how many of you had success w/ purple tang nd

    cool, sounds great! the tang is doing great, so far no signs of ich.. his hlle is clearing up too!
  2. drea

    Mandarin Fish

    why can't u use the drip method? buy that air liner tubing stuff, its very easy to do and worry free.......... trust me u will love it, let us now if you need help/suggestions
  3. drea

    i am ich paranoid! help

    nice, i will def qt him for at least 6 weeks then..... my kole tang got ich after 4 weeks, this is why i'm a little worried, but i guess it should be visible within 6 weeks....... thanx for the help guys so, just to make sure, i'll wait like 7 weeks, and if no ich present i can then add him?
  4. drea


    hippo tang in 75 for a yr, kole for 6 months.... they are fine.. no problems, and plenty of swimming room
  5. drea

    Project Fishroom underway for new 240 setup

    sick... i can't wait to get a house and do something like that!
  6. drea

    Dropping everything and moving

    i moved from long island to italy for teo yrs, best time of my life, i still go back every yr, but i love long island/nyc, best partying in the world!
  7. drea

    I don't want to grow up . . .

    heres mine.... 19988 ducati 916 w/ a 955 big bore kit and tons of mods.... i don't have a currnet pic, but this is the latest one, before my lighting mods
  8. drea

    IT'S OUT OF CONTROL!!! Anyone like Pom-Pom??

    dam, well i think u got rid of it all, if not
  9. drea

    i am ich paranoid! help

    so i always tend to hypo any new fish.. i just got a nice purple tang and he is very healthy and eating well.. he has been in qt for a week...... ? how long can ich stay dormant for on a fish? the kole tang i had was good for 4 weeks then got it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so i think i will just hypo him...
  10. drea

    not sure if a repost, but check out this 3,300$ fish!

    http://***********.com/diversden/Ite...1253&siteid=20 i'd buy it if i was making 20,000 a day!
  11. drea

    how many of you had success w/ purple tang nd

    a purple tang w/ a blue hippo and kole tang? the purple seems to be a little smaller hes currently in the qt tank....
  12. drea

    Updated pics ... My 60 actually getting some color!

    that tank looks great, nice work!
  13. drea

    CHEATO FOR SALE!!!!!! Cincinnati Area.

    email me on the stuff i need it shipped to 11787 ny
  14. drea

    I have chaeto

    eamil me, and is it full of pods?
  15. drea

    Anyone with Neon Goby experience?

    mine did that for a little, and still do time to time... they may just be matting..... i would put them both in :cheer:
  16. drea

    Overstocked 75 gal-?

    dude thats crazy
  17. drea

    long island traders

    i only have some red shrooms for now, but my gf dosen't want me getting rid of anything... let me know if you have any zoo's to sell... or if anyone else does
  18. drea

    starfish, which one?

    cool, thanx for sharing, i'm going to get one in the near future :happyfish
  19. drea

    does salt mix set your ph or must u add buffer?

    thats ok, i learned tons, thanx for the help guys
  20. drea

    2 Month Anniversary - Lots of pics

    looks great, the rock, corals, and i love the suncoral!