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  1. drea

    does salt mix set your ph or must u add buffer?

    i always add the buffer, but i started to question if i really need to.. what do you guys do?
  2. drea

    starfish, which one?

    yikes, i never measure alk, ph or calcium.... :notsure: i can do it though.... i have about 70 bs of LR and more in a pale at home, (another 30) i'll def get some pics up i do weekly water change of 10% *** my salt has been a 1.025... i was about to drop it to 1.022-3... because i heard that...
  3. drea

    Sunflower zoos for trade

    anyone that has x tra they can sell, please email pix and info, thanx
  4. drea

    anyone have bright zoos/polys for sale?

    i only need a small amount. looking for bright, healthy ones send me an email or post a reply thanx :happyfish
  5. drea

    starfish, which one?

    cool, i'll def take a look at that post... tank is about 2 yrs old sg 1.023 temp 78 0 amonia 0 nitrate 1 blue hippo 2 neon gobies 2 percs 15 blue hermits 2 emralds 2 sally lightfoots 17 red mushrooms 1 hawian feather duster and in the qt there is 2 green clown gobies, a yellow clown gobie, and...
  6. drea

    starfish, which one?

    I would like to add one that won't knock anything over and is peaceful.. any ideas or experiences with starfish? I have a 75 gallon reef tank, perfect water,
  7. drea

    Red / Rust Mushrooms!

    mine are growing like crazy its been like a week, and i have the crapiest lighting! (one reg flourescent 20,000 k coralife bulb.. they all have gone ober 3 inches already, i'll get some pics this weekend
  8. drea

    my 2 percs host a fake coral shroom

    they are def hosting to it then, lol, that is crazy, the love the thing
  9. drea

    Flame angel in 75 gallon reef tank

    might as well try it, i only have shroom in their now anyway
  10. drea

    adding last fish

    def hyposalinty him b4 putting him in the tank! every tang i ever owned had ick, so i hypo each one b4 they go in the display tank
  11. drea

    Blue Hippo and Salfin Tang

    no problems here either
  12. drea

    my 2 percs host a fake coral shroom

    its a fake coral replica w/ 3 big mushroom heads, so wierd, they stay there day in and out! is that hosting though? or do they just like it? :thinking:
  13. drea

    Lighting for basic corals

    i just placed about ten little red shrooms in my tank, they opened right away.. i just have reg lighting (coral life 20K bulb)... i plan to upgrade to something decent so i can keep a nice variety of soft corals, just to add color :cheer:
  14. drea

    Flame angel in 75 gallon reef tank

    my same problem... not sure if i want to take a chance like that.. i don't like returing fish
  15. drea

    Golden Angelfish

    yikes, i thought i read they most didn't bother coral! :scared:
  16. drea

    Golden Angelfish

    bump, i want to make this my last addition.... one of my favorite fish
  17. drea

    neon gobies as cleaners

    i have two in mine, they were 20 each, and have small fries all the time :happyfish
  18. drea

    Do I really need a skimmer?

    u def need a skimmer sonner or later, but depending whats in your tank, it may be ok.. as long as you do a weekly 10% water change... i have a tank w/ a skimmer and one w/o, they both do great but skimmer is def reccomended
  19. drea

    where can i buy a replacement R/O unit carttridge for a croalife 2?

    hmmmmmmmm... i have to check that out then... it has two seperate canisters made out of plastic... a red hose and a blue hose