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  1. 27mtaylor

    How can I remove nitrates?

    Originally Posted by Schadiest1 i too have switched to sand from CC, it was quite the task, but it had to be done. are you stirring up you CC to remove fish poop and left over food? I use one of those gravel sifting siphons when I remove the water. I feel like I remove a lot of the waste by...
  2. 27mtaylor

    How can I remove nitrates?

    I have CC as a base so I'm fairly sure that is the root of my problem. My nitrates are at 40ppm, while my ammonia and nitrites are non existant. For the last month, I have been doing 25% weekly water changes and the nitrate level seems to remain the same. How can I lower my Nitrates without...
  3. 27mtaylor

    fire fish

    I have a two inch gap on the back of my tank between the back wall and the lid so that I can hang pumps and other equipment. My firefish managed to jump out and I didn't know it till it was too late. Poor guy...
  4. 27mtaylor

    Royal Gramma and Anthia

    Mine has a hiding place in the rocks, but he is out most of the day. He does seem to stay close to his hideout in the rocks and if he gets startled, he darts to the cave.
  5. 27mtaylor

    "Holiday" Tree

    Great post Darth Tang. Seems we spend too much time, money and energy focusing on controversy that really will not make much of a difference in the end.
  6. 27mtaylor

    Black Clowns

    Oooops! I didn't realize that. Sorry, that won't happen again.
  7. 27mtaylor

    Black Clowns

    Here are 2 websites that carry them:
  8. 27mtaylor

    Actinic Bulbs

    Thanks Bang Guy! That helps out.
  9. 27mtaylor

    Actinic Bulbs

    So what type of K rating do actinic bulbs have? All I ever see about them is 420nM. What exactly does that mean?
  10. 27mtaylor

    Actinic Bulbs

    So when I choose a bulb, I should get the ones with a higher K rating, right?
  11. 27mtaylor

    Actinic Bulbs

    Do Actinic Bulbs help corals and anemones in a reef tank or do they just help to make their colors show up brighter? Should you include an actinic bulb in your set up or not? Thanks.
  12. 27mtaylor


    I have had mine for about 3 years now. I took it off for a while because the O-ring wore out and it started leaking. Since then, I've replaced the o-ring and it is doing ok. The other bad thing I've faced with it is the noise level. I wound up turning the air bubler off and running a wooden...
  13. 27mtaylor


    What experiences have y'all had with skilters and how do they compare to skimmers in terms of performance? I currently use a Skilter 250.
  14. 27mtaylor

    Clarkieeeee !!!1

    I have a 46 gallon bow tank. Sometimes I just want to flush the Clarki because he is so mean to the other fish. If you lived somewhere near by, I might would give him too you. That way I could get a friendlier clown. I don't know if you have a ***** near by, but I saw, at a store down the...
  15. 27mtaylor

    Clarkieeeee !!!1

    I have one. He is very teritorial and mean!! He picks on several of my other fish. My chromises are scared to come out of hiding. They'll only come out when it is feeding time.
  16. 27mtaylor

    Gotta go to Atlanta

    Only 35 miles from my house. I've driven by, but haven't been in yet. It is huge!
  17. 27mtaylor

    Easiest anemone/clownfish pairing?

    I think you will be ok with you lighting since you will have around 4.6 watts/gallon. I have 4.1 watts/gallon with my VHO's and I have kept a bubble tip anemone for well over 2 years. I had a tomato clown take up with him for a while. After he died, I got a Clarki clown, and he took up with...
  18. 27mtaylor

    Feeding Anemones

    This is probably a dumb question, but how do you keep the mysis shrimp from falling apart while you are feeding the anemone?
  19. 27mtaylor

    Feeding Anemones

    I'm new to the frozen foods... Do you thaw the frozen mysis shrimp and others before you give it to the anemone, or do you give it a frozen chunk?
  20. 27mtaylor

    Royal gramma

    I think I've read somewhere that the RG doesn't like bright lights so they prefer to hang out in rock work. My first one was killed by a Psuedocromis (spelling) The one I have now, I have had for about 2 years and he is doing great. He comes out in the open a lot, but he does have a hiding...