Search results

  1. cartman101

    Looking for return pump.

    Looking for a return pump that can do well with this type of setup: 30gal sump/ 125gal main tank. I dont know how much flow I need so i need your help. If you have one for sale please PLEASE let me know!
  2. cartman101

    Ugliest Tank Gallery

    Why wont you just shut it! Your tank is beautiful!
  3. cartman101

    Darn It!!!!!!!

    I need your own opinoin.... Is the rio 2100 too small for my tank? Lfs said it was.
  4. cartman101

    Darn It!!!!!!!

    I just found out my rio 2100 is too small for my tank/sump! Darn!!! And I dont have time to take it back! WONDERFUL more delays
  5. cartman101

    return pumps ?

    hey, will a rio 2100 be a fine pump for a 30gal tank/ 125gal main tank?
  6. cartman101

    Favorite show of all time

    Originally Posted by socal57che Then again, If you do, maybe you need a life as well........hhhmmmm HAHAHHA
  7. cartman101

    Just want to let everyone know....

    One question, Will the Rio 2100 work for a 30gal sump and 125gal main tank?
  8. cartman101

    Favorite show of all time

    1) south park 2) south park 3) south park and 4.......... SOUTH PARK! ***) SOoooo just respect ma authoritaw!
  9. cartman101

    Just want to let everyone know....

    The battle aint over untill the fat professor sings! < [hr] bet you dont know where i got that from
  10. cartman101

    Just want to let everyone know....

    Well today i went to feed my lion forzens again......Guess what? He ate a 3 frozen ghost shrimp!!!! Now I just need to figure out how to feed him frozen seafood. I got some tricks up my sleeves though...
  11. cartman101


    Cool! Feed him gulf shrimp,SQUID, clams,ect. Go to the seafood market and pick out some stuff. Mine LOVES squid. I wouldn't feed your nfe silver sides. 97.2% of silver sides is moisture.....
  12. cartman101

    30gal sump pretty good?

    I have a 125gal main tank
  13. cartman101

    Any1 have (AIM) AOL Instant Messager

    Originally Posted by CELACANTHr rooissmrt
  14. cartman101

    30gal sump pretty good?

    My dad wont let me. He gets etremely nervous when I build stuff that will hold lots of water in it and a high chance of overflowing...
  15. cartman101

    30gal sump pretty good?

    Is a 30gal sump pretty good for a 125gal? And the price of it is $150, good deal? Just want your opinions.
  16. cartman101

    The answer to OUR Prayers

  17. cartman101

    Any1 have (AIM) AOL Instant Messager

  18. cartman101


    only 2 1/2 feet! She looks like 4ft! How long did it take her to grow that big, about a year?
  19. cartman101

    Clown Trigger???

    I would say it could be done for quite awhile, like years. But like what AW2 said, they will need a tank that is 300+
  20. cartman101

    Good deal??

    just the sump. The guy is building it for me...