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  1. fishkid2

    Horrible Day

    I think it all started when i adjusted my new rio protein skimmer/filter. I think it over filled and started spashing water on my power strip. And this is happening when im sleeping last night. When i woke up i smell the burning plastic. So i unplug the whole strip and i had to leave for drivers...
  2. fishkid2

    What's the smallest tank you can have a dwarf lion fish in????

    I have my dwarf zebra in my 30 gal.
  3. fishkid2

    aragonite sand in new tank

    I think if you add live sand it will speed up the process of the cycle.
  4. fishkid2

    my 10 gal (pic)

    well im getting the new rio protein skimmer/filter for the 10 gal.
  5. fishkid2

    Blue Tang with cloud eye

    Originally Posted by DarthSimon FishKid, He is just trying to help.. Take his advice.. Has helped me a number of times. Had a fish with Lympho, started dosing Selcon and Xtreme garlic, and it cured it.... already did
  6. fishkid2

    How do you get rid of macro algae.

    Originally Posted by team2jndd hmmmm I believe certain types of crabs would love that. How big is that tank? A tang would eat it as well but the tank looks to small. I think your best bet would be to remove the rock and scrub it off and then rinse it throughly. i know a tang would eat it, but...
  7. fishkid2

    How do you get rid of macro algae.

    Ok i have a lot of this red macro algae in my tank and i want to get rid of it. I dont like the way that it looks. Is there anything that eats it.
  8. fishkid2

    Reef vs Fish Only

    Yeh i think it is kind of hard to choose between sweet looking aggresive fish or all the sweet corals you can get.
  9. fishkid2

    Blue Tang with cloud eye

    Originally Posted by sepulatian Cloud eye comes from a few things, all of which are easily treatable. It can come from a scratch on the rocks/nets, from water quality, from poor nutrition, or from stress. I am guessing that the fish had already scratched his eye and it just happened to cloud...
  10. fishkid2

    Blue Tang with cloud eye

    Ok i dont get how i see him fine with clear eyes then i go to the store then he has one cloudy eye. How could that happen that fast.
  11. fishkid2

    Blue Tang with cloud eye

    Originally Posted by sepulatian LOL, I will not get mad at you. I do see a sailfin, a hippo, and a larger boxfish, or is that a puffer? I know you love these fish, but you have fish that are well suited for a 125 or larger. I am not trying to spoil your love of the hobby, but your tang is...
  12. fishkid2

    Blue Tang with cloud eye

    Originally Posted by sepulatian I am curious of what your water change schedule is. You have zero nitrates in a tank that is over a year old? My tank is a 55 with one Falco hawk in it at the moment with about 45lbs of LR and my nitrate hovers between 5 and 10. You have two fish (that you have...
  13. fishkid2

    Blue Tang with cloud eye

    Everything is fine, ammo-0 nitrite-0 nitrate-0 ph is about 8.3 But i was not watching the temp today and it was 84 degrees. I know you think this is bad, but this is a 55 gal and the only fish that is aggessive is a niger trigger. I feed them the green seaweed, mysis shrimp and the marine...
  14. fishkid2

    Id coral ?

    yeh i think its a finger leather, i guess
  15. fishkid2

    Reef vs Fish Only

    fowlr= fish only with live rock
  16. fishkid2

    Blue Tang with cloud eye

    Hes been in my tank for almost a year and has grown a bit. I think it is cloud eye and not pop eye, but it does have one little bump on the eye, but it is not huge. it is only one of the eyes. How do fish get pop eye, just got scarched from a piece of rock.
  17. fishkid2

    Blue Tang with cloud eye

  18. fishkid2

    Trading a Clarkii

  19. fishkid2

    Blue Tang with cloud eye

    I just saw that my blue tang has cloud eye. It is really wierd it looked fine then i went to target and then it had a cloudy eye. What the hell!!!!! What do I have to do? I dont have a qt tank either. You can till from this pic, you cant see any black in his eye.