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  1. fishkid2

    Feashwater fish ?

    I the place I want to look at is Angels pet world or a world of fish. I'm guessing I'm going to angels pet world since its only 20 min away rather then a hour away for a world of fish. But I've seen their angels and they are huge. The body's were like the diameter of a baseball.
  2. fishkid2

    Feashwater fish ?

    Originally Posted by MichaelTX if they are small ones you will be alright but if they are medium to large then there could be problems with adding them in different intervals. mike Well I'm going to be getting them from ***** and they look like mediums, so I will probably get them all at once...
  3. fishkid2

    Feashwater fish ?

  4. fishkid2

    Feashwater fish ?

    So can i buy 3 angelfishs now and get the other 3 later or should i get them all at once so they have less of a chance of fighting?
  5. fishkid2

    Feashwater fish ?

    Originally Posted by jtrzerocool thoes are beautiful oscers. i also have a parrot but i paid $30 for him because he is bright orange and has absoultly no black or discoloration on him. well i have 2 parrots but one of them is oranng with a pink tint to him. he looks so beautiful. i love my...
  6. fishkid2

    Who has guitar hero?

    Originally Posted by ruaround there are 3 games out now... GH 1 GH II and GH Encore: Rocks the 80s... from GH 1 - More than a Feeling, Hey You, Cheat on Church, Decontrol and Even Rats... from GH II - Strutter, Life Wasted (xbox 360), Arterial Black, Six, The Trooper (xbox 360), Hanger 18...
  7. fishkid2

    Who has guitar hero?

    Originally Posted by ric maniac laid to rest is definately my favorite! But the real song sounds so much better
  8. fishkid2

    Feashwater fish ?

    Well i have a stupid story. I was just moving these oscars from upstairs to downstairs you know. But when i first started the one upstairs i put in 4 gold fish a day after i started the tank and they all survived some how. I think that was kind of a stupid move torturing the gold fish like that...
  9. fishkid2

    Feashwater fish ?

    oops i ment 1 month not 3 months i could probably never wait 3 months to add a couple fish into the aquarium. lol
  10. fishkid2

    Who has guitar hero?

    Well i have the first and the second and i have beat both. I mostly just listen to the songs now. One of my favorite songs i like to play is hanger 18. Whats your fav song out of the 2 games?
  11. fishkid2

    Feashwater fish ?

    I liked the last pic
  12. fishkid2

    Feashwater fish ?

    Originally Posted by MichaelTX are you on city water or just well if you are on all well and the water isnt where it should be you can use your RO water BUT you will need to buy a product called RO right that will put the elements that are needed back into the tank. I learned this the hard way...
  13. fishkid2

    Feashwater fish ?

    Originally Posted by MichaelTX DO not use RO water in a freshwater tank IT WILL kill all the fish. RO strips everything out of the water that the fish need to live in SW we add it back to the tank with the salt mixes we use. Mike Well which should I use my well water from the hose and the tap...
  14. fishkid2

    Feashwater fish ?

    Well i guess when i take the fish to the lfs and go to cub and get ro water since i don't have a ro unit. I used to have 2 oscars in there for about a year until the big one randomly started to kill the other one. i will post a pic if you guys want to see him.
  15. fishkid2

    Feashwater fish ?

    I have another question. Wouldn't I have to add all the angels at once to reduce aggrestion. Then it would affect my water quality right?
  16. fishkid2

    Feashwater fish ?

    Why would I completely empty my tank. Can't I just put some tablets in with the water i have. I don't want to dump all my good aged water out.
  17. fishkid2

    Feashwater fish ?

    Originally Posted by jtrzerocool just be careful with the swich because angles like a PH that is below 7.0 and cichlids like a PH above 7.8 What could I do to lower the ph again.
  18. fishkid2

    Feashwater fish ?

  19. fishkid2

    Feashwater fish ?

    I don't think I would do a planted tank. just because of the lighting and other stuff like the co2. Do angels do best in a planted? I want to get 2 Black Veil Angels 2 Gold Veil Angels 1 Marble Veil Angel 1 Smokey Leopard Veil Angel And i forgot to put that im switching the fish i have in...
  20. fishkid2

    Feashwater fish ?

    I was wondering how much veil angelfishes I can put in my 55 gal?