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  1. fishkid2

    Crap schools coming

    Well I'm going to be at the high school this year. Going in the 10th grade. So this really sucks. Don't ya think?
  2. fishkid2

    How do you take care of freshwater plants?

    How does this look? It's just a little bit duty from moving things around
  3. fishkid2

    How do you take care of freshwater plants?

    SO the fish I'm am going to get is 6 veil angelfishes. I was wondering if I could put like 2 platys or molly balloons in with them?
  4. fishkid2

    How do you take care of freshwater plants?

    I like the last tank the best.
  5. fishkid2

    How do you take care of freshwater plants?

    What would be the best, cheapest co2 system?
  6. fishkid2

    Who here plays airsoft?

    Well now my replacement gun is already messed up. When you ---- the gun most of the time the gun will just randomly fire.
  7. fishkid2

    Who has guitar hero?

    Now theres only 2 songs I can not beat on expert. Jordan and six.
  8. fishkid2

    Rare Coral Pics

    sweet pics
  9. fishkid2

    How do you take care of freshwater plants?

    i have another question. What would be the best algae eating thing that does not eat the plants? In my tank right now is just a pleco. In my other tank I have these Japonica Amano Shrimp or japanese algae eating shrimp. Would these shrimp work or maybe the otto cat fish.
  10. fishkid2

    How do you take care of freshwater plants?

    Originally Posted by zman1 Here is an old thread - HTH So I'm thinking, I will buy the potting moss, then maybe get the clay from the St. Croix river. Then I have to look at the sand in the sand box. There is some of the concret mix...
  11. fishkid2

    How do you take care of freshwater plants?

    Also the sand from the sand box might be mixed with some concret mix stuff, but it might be seperated from tarp.
  12. fishkid2

    How do you take care of freshwater plants?

    Do you guys think I would need the grow bulbs. Do you think that my 2 50/50 65 watt bulbs would be ok? Then for the sand and dirt, could I just pour that over the gravel I have in layers and let it go though the gravel by itself.
  13. fishkid2

    How do you take care of freshwater plants?

    Also I just saw Natural Aquarium Vital. Only $10 bucks and says it lasts 3 months. Anyone tryed using one of these products?
  14. fishkid2

    How do you take care of freshwater plants?

    I did see the turbo c02 bio-system. It just uses a ph to take out the c02 into the aquarium. So would I have to get smaller gravel or I could just use this.
  15. fishkid2

    How do you take care of freshwater plants?

    Ok, what the title says. I have the lighting, but do you really need to have sand and a co2 system?
  16. fishkid2

    Who here plays airsoft?

    This would be my dream gun
  17. fishkid2

    Who here plays airsoft?

    I think this is going to be my next gun hfc urban assault smg, full metal and green gas.
  18. fishkid2

    Who here plays airsoft?

    I got back the pistol I replaced. This pistol is pretty sweet, its huge, and it weighs about 2 lbs. It is the firepower Icon XL. It is spring gun. It only shoots about 260 fps, but it is has great accuracy. It was sort of expensive about $30 bucks. The best reason I got it though the clip holds...
  19. fishkid2


    I was thinking that you can put wood in a bucket of your tanks water. Then you wait a couple of weeks to get bacteria in the wood and so it's stays under water. This driftwood is going to be for the new angelfishes that I'm going to be getting.