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  1. rubberduck

    how does this look for my tank. . .

    thx wax, so should i upgrade my cpr overflow to like 700 gph. cool will do, also i might have a regulating pipe where i can tweak till perfect. thx wax i have been a huge fan of your tank, and am srry about katrina. i saw your thread and it looks good, i also will be posting a thread on my...
  2. rubberduck

    how does this look for my tank. . .

    i am moving and in the prosess of upgrading from a 30 gallon- 55 gallon and putting the 30 gallon as a fuge in the stand that i made. i wanted to know that since i wat to have sps/clams/lps in my tank i need specific requirements to keep these beatiful corls alive and im aiming for thiving. now...
  3. rubberduck

    how does this look for my tank. . .

    i am moving and in the prosess of upgrading from a 30 gallon- 55 gallon and putting the 30 gallon as a fuge in the stand that i made. i wanted to know that since i wat to have sps/clams/lps in my tank i need specific requirements to keep these beatiful corls alive and im aiming for thiving. now...
  4. rubberduck

    Can some one tell me what anenome this is

    well the have tenticles on there outswide of the disk and i think they might be pests due to the tinticle being outsie the disk and what sounds like fast regeneration, of course i am no expert and those are beatiful anenomies anways. let one of the smart people reply. ***)
  5. rubberduck

    Wanting to do the reef tank ThAnG

    i have a 55 and i got the coralife/aqualight setup with 2 150 watt halides 2 actincic 96 watt vhos and 3 moon lights with a grand total of around 500 watts and it was 600$$$ total. not a bad price and they work great.
  6. rubberduck

    stupid question????

    Originally Posted by crazyzeus1 I'm a "she" lol what do u stalk this thread, u rezsponded in like 2 min plz forgive i forgot, i know it says godESS but it was ZUES a male, :thinking: plz forgive ps. i think the info was valid though
  7. rubberduck

    stupid question????

    try turning your ights off for at least a week maybe 2 to get rid of them if your serious, this will hurt corall so it probley wont be ideal for your tank, also like he said nuds eat them ut the change of buying one is low due to lack of market/low life span/ and specific diet, mandrins are very...
  8. rubberduck

    Just bored so some pics

    very nice tank, what lighting do you have on it?
  9. rubberduck

    what is this?!?!?!?!

    Originally Posted by norcal ?? its actualy called a mole crab, they sell them on this site too. should be a good sand shifter
  10. rubberduck

    Lagoonal Reef

    bang i know this is a little much, but for the new members on the borads can u go through a sep by step on how u made it with pics, like a mini version of this thread, plz ***)
  11. rubberduck

    Lagoonal Reef

    Originally Posted by fishieness I approve of this disicion haha I too would love some new pics! ***) yeah it would be realy tough to recover all thosae pics but man would evetryone love it, btw everyone this thread was a couple years ago and the pics were tragicaly lost, maybe someone can get...
  12. rubberduck

    Lagoonal Reef

    i bump this for all those interested, and hopefuly bang guy will fill us in with new pics and updates
  13. rubberduck

    10 Gallon Picture Series

    hey bang could by anychance could u update your lagoon pics, it has been a year since i have seen it and the picts were lost in the process it was realy cool, alos how would you make your own skimmer is it hard, i will still look at your thread again though, beatiful tank any updates?
  14. rubberduck

    Updated Tank Pics

    did u not get that i was not being rude and was trying to give appionons that could keep other people from being ed, every post i enter to gain knowlege you have posted like 8 times in a 20 post thread, and you have 8 posts a day withougt this area, this area of the forums does not give out...
  15. rubberduck

    Updated Tank Pics

    Originally Posted by pitbull01 First off, that IS a bubble-tip, so PLEASE BE EDUCATED BEFORE U POST! And excuse me for ALLY MISTAKING THE TWO! And, sometimes I forget something and have to post again. You are being very rude, and no one appreciates it! ok first i did say it was a...
  16. rubberduck

    I got a purdy new fishy!!

    hey tizz can u post a full tank shot plz. very nice fish
  17. rubberduck

    Updated Tank Pics

    wow. . . anyways first off not all bubbletips have actual BUBBLE looking type ends, some could be mastaken for lta the way they look, thatsjust how they are no problem with the specimin. and second make sure what your saying is true, yes those are clove you can tell by there structure and...
  18. rubberduck

    New Basket Starfish

    u realize 1 in 20 is probley not Accurate due to the different definituions of the word SUCESS. it is one of those speiceis that should be left alone in the ocean OR/UNLESS you build a tank around it or keep it in mind, regular market products will not fufil its needs, it needs planktin that is...
  19. rubberduck

    Need some advice, the whole thing

    anyone plz i need help.srry the pic wont post, is a 300 gph ok for an overflow? and what pump would u recommend?
  20. rubberduck

    Need some advice, the whole thing

    srry forgot pic