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  1. rubberduck

    Need some advice, the whole thing

    well i am, building my own stand and i was putting a 30 gallon fuge in it, the tank is 55gallons and i want an overflow from the internet and some sort of mag pump to return it just like the picture, the question is do i let the overflow go right into the tank and does the hose bend to inside...
  2. rubberduck


    yeah he kind of looked down on u but he has very nice stuff. most of my stuff is from there no problem with it
  3. rubberduck

    My CBS caught and killed a fish?!?!?!

    Originally Posted by vi3tb0i so wich one is still alive? why did u make 4 posts when u can make edits. btw coral bandit shrimps can be controllled if u feed him good, try feeding hime good and see if he stobs trying.
  4. rubberduck


    yeah trake a good look at just fish, so its expensive and he is kindoff a stuck up smart guy (he realy knows his stuff) it still is quality stuff. look into it
  5. rubberduck

    Coralife Aqualight Pro...Is this the best???

    i have the 48" and i ove it! i got it from the great auction site and it was great I RECOMEND IT
  6. rubberduck


    ohhhhh ohhh i know just the thing, have you ever heard of "Just Fish" it is a very nice i mean VERy nice store that sell sat and fresh fish/supplies/coral etc. but he has a very mature fuge. in the fuge is very nice alge, donno what the name is but its Perfect for a fuge. ask him if you can buy...
  7. rubberduck


    yeah im acyualy there a good friend of theres, go in often and am thinking of there rock alot. plus im trying to say away from curring. thx
  8. rubberduck

    How many powerheads??

    how much would a closed loop cost for a 50 gallon
  9. rubberduck


    looking for healthy live rock or base rock (formilly live) that can beat the local $5 pound her for barely decent lr, i live in lexington. will buy in large quantities if avalible. thx travis~~
  10. rubberduck

    55 complete setup

    i will offer $350 and i live in lexington. do you live there. i could local pickup too BTW im rdy to buy this week if you can supplly pictures and see if this is what im thinking off.
  11. rubberduck

    Not Bad For My Apartment

    dude just shut up....come on nowones jealous and he was just sayind. how bout you try to learb something. stoping a dumba$$ and relize the fish arnt suppoded to be there and change. mods can u erase this thread it is hopeless
  12. rubberduck

    Best Skimmer?

    what is the best skimmer you guys have owned or herd of. im looking for one around 150 moneys and is reliable. it is gonna be in a sps tank and needs to be good. thx travis
  13. rubberduck

    125 Gal Tank Setup vs New Grand Baby!

    do u still have it.?
  14. rubberduck

    paintball players,stuff for sale

    i might be interested do u have pics of it?
  15. rubberduck

    Cost Of A 500 Gallon ????

    the tank alone is probly around $2,000 and you have to think about shipping too
  16. rubberduck

    dyi stand !

    yeah thats what i thought. should the best way to build one is to make 2 box frames on each side and 2 in the front and then just support them majorly input is valued thx
  17. rubberduck

    dyi stand !

    would i be wrong in thinking that it would be like reinforced square frames. thanks for the input dirtee147
  18. rubberduck

    dyi stand !

    ookay i have a 55 gallon tank and i was wandering about a stand. or course my parents have something to say about it. they say no way to it due to the possibility of a leak accuring and 55 gallons of water landing on the floor. am right that i think that building one would make it stronger than...
  19. rubberduck

    I Need You ....

    i would vote for a flame angel....i have one in a crowded reef tank. it doesnt pick at anything even feather dusters!. maybe i got lucky
  20. rubberduck

    my situation and sps info......

    well i was looking into stability as a major need and a pretty deep sandbed would make the ph stable, make my tank look better and let me have ground dwelling gobbies. anyone else have a comment?