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  1. usinkit

    for sale 75 and extras

    For sale: 75 gallon glass tank with glass tops regular light w 50/50 and atinic light bulbs emperor 400 filter hagen 400 gph power head 250 watt heater seaclone protein skimmer fluva 404 canister filter $250.00 for all email:
  2. usinkit

    90 gl 75 gl for sale

    dont want to seperate yet.
  3. usinkit

    90 gl 75 gl for sale

    For sale: 90 gallon tank and homemade stand 75 gallon tank and homemade stand 1- 384 watt pc lighting w/ homemade canopy 3- fluva 404 filters 1- emperor 400 filter 1- berlin xl protein skimmer hang on back 1- berlin protein skimmer for sump 1- seaclone protein skimmer 3- hagen 400 gph power...
  4. usinkit


    The only thing Iam adding is kent buffer. When you say carbonate can you explain. Thank you.
  5. usinkit


    Why is my dkh going from 12 to 7 in three days. My calcium in the same amount of time is going from 465 to 420. The dkh seems to be affecting my astrea snails because they are dropping like flies. My PH is stable at 8.3. I have been dosing my tank for two weeks with calcium chloride dihydrate...
  6. usinkit

    Calcium Precipitate

    It appears my calcium is pecipitating out. There is white particals all over the live rock. My last test show dkh = 12.6 and calcium = 465. Is there any danger with the calcium precipitating? Thank you.
  7. usinkit


    Just purchase one, but Iam sure she will still spend 200.00 can hear the money coming out of the account already.(LOL)
  8. usinkit


    That I would love to due, but Iam without a refractometer and only have a glass hydrometer that reads a sg of 1.018. If I go and spend a $100.00 on the refractometer my wife thinks she then can go out and buy $200.00 worth of shoes to go with the 1000 pair she already has. I do see what your...
  9. usinkit


    Well I dont want to have to worry about an ick outbreak every month in my display tank, so I guess I may do a copper treatment to the QT just to be on the save side. I hate like hell to treat the QT with copper but that seems to be the 100% way to get rid of ick. Thanks for your reply.
  10. usinkit


    Wouldnt you think the flame angel would be showing signs of ick by now. The hippo was great for the first two weeks of QT and then on the third week I purchased the flame angel and two days later the hippo starts to show white specs coming and going. I guess its a wait and see from here on out...
  11. usinkit


    I have a 20 gallon QT with a flame angel and a hippo tank and a hippo tank. I think the hippo has ick but it could also be debris on his fins and body for week. The white particals come and go. My ? is does ick come and go and wouldnt the flame angel be showing signs of ick by now. Thank you for...
  12. usinkit

    skimmer break in peroid

    What pump did you use? Iam using a mag 5 thats what they recomended. Did you have to do any modifing to put the pump on the skimmer? Does it matter how far away the pump is from the skimmer? I have 5 skimmers and have spent a ton of money on them and they all seem to be junk, but now Iam...
  13. usinkit

    skimmer break in peroid

    Does anyone have a berlin hob skimmer? I want to know if there is a break in peroid. I installed it lastnight and its not really pulling much out, but the cheap seaclone is pulling a good amount of stuff for once and it is on the same tank. Thank you for any help.
  14. usinkit

    Why can't I use a canister filter for a Marine tank?

    I use to run two fluva 404 canisters in my 75 with a 6 inch v.lion and a 22inch moray eel and I never had an issue. I now have just the lion in the 75 running only one fluva 404 canister and samething know problems. HTH
  15. usinkit

    lion fish with a gash

    Thanks I was thinking the same but now he is not eating, been 3 days and I know thats fine but he has been looking at the food and showing interest so I dont know if the gash is starting to effect how he grabs his food. The gash doesnt seem to be getting any worse or better.
  16. usinkit

    lion fish with a gash

    My V. lion fish has a gash above his upper lip on the whole left side. It looks like his jaw on that side is hanging down. I think it might of happen during a feeding with a feeding stick. He will still eat but he stays in the corner of the tank behind a rock looking very stressed and breathing...
  17. usinkit

    algea bloom

    I run 384 watts of pc light with 2x 10,000k and 2x blue atinics brand new same age as the tank. I feed once a day and what the fish dont eat the shrimp,crabs and snails take care of. I have 90# lr with 2 skimmers running one a Titan and one a cheap seaclone from my QT tank and a fluva 404 for...
  18. usinkit

    algea bloom

    I have a 90 gallon fowlr working up to a reef. The tank has been set-up for 7 to 8 weeks. I have a 90# lr, royal gramma, 2 perc, 1 yellow clown goby, yellow watchman goby and misc. snails crabs and shrimp. Water parameters are ammonia 0, nitrites 0, nitrates 0-5, ph 8.1 and salanity 1.024. The...
  19. usinkit

    Clean up CREW!!! PLEASE HELP

    I wouldnt add any critters until the ammonia and nitrites are at 0.
  20. usinkit

    Just starting-any suggestions?

    You should get the 40gl if you can go to a 55gl that will be better. Larger is easier for maintaining water parameters. For cost I would keep researching until you know what you what to keep in the tank, that will dictate what kind of equipment you will need.