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  1. usinkit

    75 gallon for sale

    75 gallon glass tank and homemade stand for sale. Just emptied needs to be cleaned. $100.00
  2. usinkit

    Math Question

    lxwxh=# divided by 231 48x18x24=20736 divided by 231 = 90gallons
  3. usinkit

    macro algeas

    Could someone tell me what lighting would be good for Chaetomorpha? Thank you.
  4. usinkit

    In need of help, please

    Iam also going to be building a refugium 30 gallons for my 30 gallon display. I dont see any problem with a 30 for your tank. Baffles can be made from glass and siliconed into place. Lighting I dont really no much about that yet just getting into this myself, but I dont think it has to be any...
  5. usinkit

    I feel HORRIBLE!!!

    Next time you have to put a fish out , put him in a cup of saltwater and put it in the freezer. That kinda puts them to sleep.
  6. usinkit

    Does anyone else have this problem?

    I found using a credit card works the best for me. It does mean you still have to stick your arm in the water though. HTH
  7. usinkit

    adding uncured rock

    Sorry, the way I read the post I thought you did not have any livestock in it for a year. I agree with bigbarn it will start another cycle for sure.
  8. usinkit

    In need of help, please

    I think its because all your readings are coming up 0 and it seems you have down everything rite. Its just a mind boggler.
  9. usinkit


    I see a siphon break working on the line coming out of the display tank and also understand you will only have to copensate for the amout that can come out of the display tank but how about if the overflow plugs up what can you do about the return pump pumping the sump dry? Thanks
  10. usinkit

    adding uncured rock

    If your tank has been runnig for a year with no livestock its really not cycled anymore unless you have been feeding the tank to keep the bacteria beds alive if you werent the bacteria would die from not having any food.. You will go through another cycle anyway putting that much liverock in. HTH
  11. usinkit


    I am in the process of planning out a 30 gallon display tank with a 30 gallon refugium/sump. Is there a full proof way of stopping a possible overflowing of the display and sump. Thank you.
  12. usinkit

    Water temp

    Mine stay between 78-80 with no prblems.
  13. usinkit

    In need of help, please

    I have used phosban before and it did help. Make sure when you run the phosban you rinse it in di water first then run it for 48 hours pull it out for another 48 hours and run it again for another 48 hours and that should pull any phosphates out. Good luck
  14. usinkit

    Updates on new SW tank

    Mike I have a fire shrimp,pistol shrimp,cleaner shrimp and 4 peppermint shrimp and never had a problem they got along fine.
  15. usinkit

    In need of help, please

    I dont know what to say. Its sounds like you have done everything rite and there should be no bad algea at all. The only other thing you may want to do is test your di water maybe thats were there is a problem. Test it for phophates.
  16. usinkit

    How long do I wait to introduce Corals?

    I wouldnt go with anything less then 2x250 watt MH lighting. Thats if you want to keep the likes of Anenomes.
  17. usinkit

    In need of help, please

    Are you sure your test results on nitrates and phosphates are at 0. Maybe your test kits are no longer good. Are you using ro/di water? If you are having that much trouble for that period of time I would think your nitrates and phosphates would be high then. I would definately upgrade the...
  18. usinkit

    Updates on new SW tank

    I really believe you have nothing to worry about. Its just the part of the waiting game in this hobby. I will be going through another cycle soon when I set up my forth tank. Its all about waiting and planning. Good luck!!!
  19. usinkit

    fish ordering

    I only found this site a year ago and I gave it a try. I have order a royal gramma, watchman goby, flame angel , pistol shrimp, fire shrimp and a bunch of snails and crabs and I am very pleased with the color. Amazed how healthy their critters were when they arrived. The packaging of the...
  20. usinkit

    Updates on new SW tank

    I think its very possible your cured lr is speeding up the cycle. You should start to see your nitrites go up and the nitrates will also go up. Once your ammonia and nitrites are at 0 all you have left to do is a 20% - 40% waterchange to get your nitrates down and your in the game!! I had to do...