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  1. farmboy

    Attaching Frags

    I should have said that I have the shrooms to trade. I confuse myself. . . :notsure: Anyway, All I have to trade with is shrooms for now. If you are still interested, Keonia, send me some mail.
  2. farmboy

    lr stacking

    Some fix the rocks together. I've heard of glueing them or you could try some of that epoxy putty. LFS just moved and the owner re-built his reef display partially using that putty. I'll bet it would work on the rocks, too. Mine are just stacked. I "fitted" them together more than a few...
  3. farmboy


    That kinda sounded like Bang Guy. "Yep"
  4. farmboy


    Is it short for "fragment"?
  5. farmboy


    Very nice, Schadiest!
  6. farmboy

    LR vs chaeto Poll

    Chaeto! :cheer: Chaeto! :cheer: Chaeto! :cheer:
  7. farmboy

    STOKED-Just scored a 120Gallon!

    Hey Hurt, Have you been to the "Newport Aquarium?" It is around Cincy--worth the trip. THey have a 385 thousand gallon "dive show" tank with sharks and some sea turtles and a ray. Tons of stuff.
  8. farmboy


    Nice Pics KONA!
  9. farmboy

    Fostering Kittens.

  10. farmboy

    First pics of the upgraded 55g

    I thought it looked like a candy cane but I have never (knowingly) seen a BLUE one. SWEET!
  11. farmboy

    Good news!!!!!

    Originally Posted by mitzel call me chicken I'll stick with my over flows. I can only speak for myself. Me=Chicken
  12. farmboy

    Good news!!!!!

    Wow! All you can catch for $50! Just kidding. I'm not sure what I would do. If a person knew exactly what they were looking for and could care for the critter, I don't see why not. I would want to be sure not to collect fish that were delicate and/or unsuited to captivity. (This is how...
  13. farmboy

    First pics of the upgraded 55g

    Yeah, Man! Appreciate the close up. Beautifull!
  14. farmboy

    Self Starting Siphon on Overflow

    I'm not sure about self starting. Maybe a vacuum pump like on CPRs? Both ends of your siphon tube should always be under water-no matter the level in the display. Air bubbles collecting over time can break the siphon. The return will run dry. So however much water is in the pump section of...
  15. farmboy

    Fostering Kittens.

    Originally Posted by Scotts Some of you may recognize what their new home is. Uh. . . .how often do you . . .uh . . . . do a 20% water change? WHat size skimmer do you use on that tank? Just kidding! I really like your new "catfish"! :hilarious
  16. farmboy

    First pics of the upgraded 55g

    Nice tank! At the risk of being ignorant, what is this? It really caught my eye.
  17. farmboy

    What Should I do Now??? Any Ideas?

    Maybe some pics would spark an idea out here in cyber space. Oh, not from me, of course. I'm no plumber.
  18. farmboy

    Good news!!!!!

    Gutsy. I like it. I chickened out and went for the overflow box. OFF TOPIC: I'll bet you all have some "killer" fish stores in Hawaii. :jumping:
  19. farmboy

    Sump ? for Squid or other GURU - See .BMP

    . . . .so, . . . . ya wanna sell that skimmer?
  20. farmboy

    My 75gal, modified wet/dry with fuge

    Great idea and pics!