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  1. rubberduck

    how can i attatch this coral?

    yes but make sure it wont eirode over time. also make sure the place is good because it is perminent
  2. rubberduck

    Finally painted the back of my tank black

    lookin good, i will think to do that after u did that to your tank :)
  3. rubberduck

    ha ha ha I showed him

    is he hairy or smooth?
  4. rubberduck

    I love my tank Who cares about the $1000 I love my tank

    i think it looks good :D
  5. rubberduck

    How bid is your dream tank?

    ok........... this might be a dream right now, but i would love to have a circular tank in which u could craw under and up into the middle and see 360 degrees of pure reef. wouldnt that be kewl
  6. rubberduck

    Looking for Kid fish Pals

    im 15 :D
  7. rubberduck

    !!Reef pics!! through the years

    Originally Posted by joker_ca WOW, thats one nice looking tank :yes: :yes: :yes: I AGREE :eek:
  8. rubberduck

    What are these things killing my tank?!?

    also some amonia reducing bottle liquids only HIDES the amonia from there test kits also (like they said) run carbon and do small constant water changes
  9. rubberduck

    What are these things killing my tank?!?

    also some amonia reducing bottle liquids only HIDES the amonia from there test kits
  10. rubberduck

    Should I be concerned now?

    no, it took mine 10 days. i would say let him adjust and especialy if it came offline and not my 5 min drive, how many day shipping?
  11. rubberduck

    What are these things killing my tank?!?

    srrry once i read ur post i kind off edited the stuff, i wasnt in the mood to laugh either what exactly is ur status right now. what is left?
  12. rubberduck

    What are these things killing my tank?!?

    u should call it.......................CSI-Fishtank i would bet on the bottled substance i feel for ya man
  13. rubberduck

    What are these things killing my tank?!?

    have u looked at night for the suspect with a flashlight? try to see if it is some creature. did ur fish have scars from something it?
  14. rubberduck

    bad carpet anemone!

    lol ok good luck fishy wife
  15. rubberduck

    Is This True (Re: Catching Fish While They Are Asleep)

    Originally Posted by fishnerd I got 2 stitches, compliments of a Titan Trigger (B. viridicens) was it yours?
  16. rubberduck

    Hammer/ Anemone incident.

    i would just wait and see. thats the best thing to do.
  17. rubberduck

    bad carpet anemone!

    well carpets are known to move a lot, so i would make a good place for him and see if he stays put. a move onto something like a coral could be disasterous. they move because of inadiquat flow or not enough light. once he is established u might want to keep everything clear of him, as carpets...
  18. rubberduck

    ID this coral please!

    i have some. they are brown star polyps. same as GSP just a color difference :joy:
  19. rubberduck

    New member

    i have a question Ophiura, what do they do that is benificial?
  20. rubberduck

    Octopus Videos

    do u have a lid tight enough that u cant slid a pencil through it? anything the size of his beak, he can slip thriough. that would be a shame to lose him to the floor