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  1. rubberduck

    Cleaner Wrasse

    actualy you are thinking of the FAKE cleaner wrasse. cleaner wrasses are not a good pick in the trade and should IMO be avoided. cleaner shrimp or even my favorite, neon gobbies, are better
  2. rubberduck

    Kentucky Fragging

    i am sooo jealous UR GETTING ALL THSES SWEET CORALS FOR SO LOW!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. rubberduck

    LFS nightmare!

    yes i hate lfs like that. dont support them
  4. rubberduck


    nice this will be an addicting hobby
  5. rubberduck

    Sorry this is off the subject

  6. rubberduck

    Sorry this is off the subject

    well show us later
  7. rubberduck

    Questions regarding live sand

    well what is your question again???? yellow watchmans will not consume pods.
  8. rubberduck

    Mods...How come we can't post pics...?

    just some technical problems with some faulty web servce. not a computer genius but it is getting more common the last few months :rolleyes:
  9. rubberduck

    Anenome hosting?

    even if you see clowns hosting in the lfs. they still have to feel confortable before hosting becomes a chance
  10. rubberduck

    copper banded buterfly

    well it is nutricios but not enough nutrients to sustane a fish for a period of time. but you could also dip them in some formula before giving them it. still try to suppliment with other forms of nutrients
  11. rubberduck

    cocktail shrimp?

    OR...... you could just use LR and buy all you need during the cycle. thats best IMO
  12. rubberduck

    equipment to cure live rock

    i would get a powerhead for curent and use good 50% water changes. also this should take about 3-4 weeks appr.
  13. rubberduck

    lets see some GOOD EXAMPLES of aggresive tanks in pic form

    lets see some more pics ppl :cheer: :happy:
  14. rubberduck

    Naso has ICK!

    yes hyposalinity should be used BUT in a hospital tank as this could be leathal for the inverts coral and such in the main tank
  15. rubberduck

    lfs uses peculiar method?

    Originally posted by Gonefishn I have to say though, there is a guy a bit down the road who just finished setting up a quarantine/hospitol with a whole bunch of "rooms" in the back of his pet shop. They plan on aclimating the fish back there till they are stable then moving them into tanks up...
  16. rubberduck

    Lighting for fish only tank

    well you might want some bright color 50/50's and get some actinics to equalit out. you realy dont need much for a fo. just find what looks good
  17. rubberduck

    so what do you think????

    very beatiful and bright tangs. good job
  18. rubberduck

    red algae

    ok that is cyto alge, it is actualy not a alge. but what i found out IME is that if you feed frozen food the alge will bloom from feeding on the extra nutrients. also old lights and bad water flow will help the cyto. find the source
  19. rubberduck

    New Tridacna Crocea Clam

    i would agree that pc and vho(very high output) could be ok if you have a tank under 30 inches tall. what lighting do u have?