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  1. usinkit

    nitrate levels

    Thank you very much Beaslbob. I will definately get this up and running this weekend. Why would you think my fish would consume the plant, they are big time meat eaters. Just curious. Thomas712 I previewed your statement and I will have to read it thourghly when I get home. Thanks alot for your...
  2. usinkit

    nitrate levels

    I have great gas exchange on the surface of my water and the protein skimmer adds alot of air bubbles to the tank, do you still think there would be a build up of carbon dioxide. I do not have a fuge at all and Iam not ready to incorperate one to my tanks until I can actually see one work and...
  3. usinkit

    nitrate levels

    I have a fish only tank with a V. Lion Fish and a Blue Throat Trigger. The trigger is a very messy eater and hard to keep up with cleaning his food remains. My nitrate levels stay around 60-80ppm. I do 10 gallon water changes vacuming the CC that is about 1/2 deep once a week(would love to...
  4. usinkit


  5. usinkit


    They are reef safe? Thanks
  6. usinkit


    What is a nice and small reef safe starfish?
  7. usinkit


    What is a nice small reef safe starfish?
  8. usinkit

    Never ending story...

    letters do not
  9. usinkit

    sick fish

    Thank you
  10. usinkit

    sick fish

    I have a blue throat trigger and he has stopped eat and I would like too know if there is a possibility of him getting ick eventually because of him not eating. He was eating great for 2 months that Ive had him then 4 days ago he stopped eating the shrimp I was giving, so I tried scallops and he...
  11. usinkit

    Hippo Sick?

    If you set up a bucket to do a hypo you will need to set it up as if you were setting up a qt a filter. You would lower your salanity to 1.009 but do this in 2 to 4 day spand and I would hold it there for a good ten days and just monitor and if all seems ok raise the salanity back to normal...
  12. usinkit

    trigger wont eat

    The only thing that is confusing me is he would eat 24 hr a day if I let him of shrimp and now nothing but I will try the silverides and krill. Thank you
  13. usinkit

    Hippo Sick?

    If it is ick the best thing to do IMO is to get a qt and lower the salanity. If you do this in the main tank it will probly for sure kill off any inverts you have in their. The garlic may work though but I think qt him and lower the salanity is the best route. HTH
  14. usinkit

    Ammonia to start cycle

    Drop a frozen shrimp in their but be sure to put it in a mess filter bag so you can pull it out without it falling apart. That will get your cycle going or you can just wait and see if the live rock has enough die off to get it going.
  15. usinkit

    can i leave coral and inverts in?

    I ahve freshwater dipped fish up to 5 min and never had a problem with them being harmed because of it but I do think certain types of fish would get stessed to the point of doing harm.
  16. usinkit

    New Rock

    Looks good though!!!!!!!!!! I have a 90 with 165 # of fiji soon to be 90# because Iam curing 75# for a friend and my tank looks very full with the 165#.
  17. usinkit

    trigger wont eat

    I have a blue throat trigger and have had him for 2 months and he was eating like a pig. He stopped eating 4 days ago I was feeding him shrimp and today I tried to feed him scallops and all he does is spit it out never has he ever missed a meal. The water levels for ammonia and nitrites are at 0...
  18. usinkit

    can i leave coral and inverts in?

    Doing a freshwater dip does help but it only makes the parasites that are on the surface of the fish fall off not the ones that are deep in the fish. I dont see how freshwater dip can help bacterial infections and viruses. Do you remember what book you read that in, Id be interested in reading it.
  19. usinkit

    New Rock

    Wow thats alot of rock, is there going to be any room for the fish to swim? lol
  20. usinkit

    can i leave coral and inverts in?

    Always qt every fish sick or not will save you laods of problems down the road. Just because they look healthy does mean they dont have something cooking.