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  1. usinkit

    novice needing help

    It sounds like you did not go through a cycle in the 6 months you had no fish or live rock in the tank. If you had no fish or live rock in the tank there would be no way your tank could cycle. What happen when you put the damsel and live rock in that started your cycle. What you should do is...
  2. usinkit

    can i leave coral and inverts in?

    Just to back up Daniel411 he is right about six weeks and that is why people should qt their fish that long too.
  3. usinkit inverts

  4. usinkit inverts

    Does anyone know if keeps their inverts, reef packages seperate from their fish?
  5. usinkit

    newbie question

    The make of my pc is JBJ 4x96 watts. The only thing I hate about them is each light bulb has its own power cord but if I get some ambition I will rewire to have only two power cords. The lights cost 379.99 shipped, so I would think for 110 to 220 watts it would run you $150.00 to $250.00.
  6. usinkit

    newbie question

    I would think anywere from 110 watts to 220 watts of pc lighting on a 55 gl would be enough for fowlr. I have pc lighting and I love them ,they run very cool temp.
  7. usinkit

    Need Answers For MY Tank ASAP!

    You should not be putting anything in the tank until your ammonia and nitrites are at 0.