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  1. drea

    Crummy Hydrometer WAY off !!!!

    dam this thread is confusing!!!!!!!!!
  2. drea

    upgrading from a penguin 330 to an emperor 400?

    well, i've had the 330 for like 4 yrs, its great, but i like the size of the 400 and heard it helps clean better.... this is for my 70 gallon tall now can i just start using it right away? or do i have to use them both untill the new one gets full of bacteria or whatever its suppose to do? i do...
  3. drea

    cleaner shrimp question. thanks!

    dam.... now this got me thinking..... i have this inverts 4eva, they are doing great and my salt is about 1.020.... so is it better just to keep it like that and not add any shrimp? i do have a hippo tang that i have never had a problem w/.... will making the salinity higher be a problem to him?
  4. drea

    Pro's and Con's of Different Salt Mixes

    oceanic here i come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'll have to switch it up and see if it helps in the long run....
  5. drea

    anyone with boxfish?

    that fish sux, there should be a way to extract his toxins
  6. drea

    cleaner shrimp question. thanks!

    lol..... hmmm.... weird....... ok, i'll adjust that.................. so if i keep it like that i'll be good?
  7. drea

    Pro's and Con's of Different Salt Mixes

    same here dude
  8. drea

    cleaner shrimp question. thanks!

    i'm gonna try for a third time now... all my levels are great BUT, i like to keep my salt - 1.020.... is this ok for the cleaner? everything (inverts) in my tank have never died since day 1... i have 20 electric blue hermits, snails, 2 emralds, 1 red crab i want to try this agian
  9. drea

    anyone with boxfish?

    happened to me also, no one ever warned me, who knew that was possible? oh well!
  10. drea

    Checking for Stray Electrical Current Question

    a lil confused... where do i buy this voltage tester? at a lfs? or home depot? and can i just buy a grounding probe?
  11. drea

    Pro's and Con's of Different Salt Mixes

    dam now i'm getting freaked, i use instant ocean..... my tank is doing great, is there a big price diff. in useing the "better" ones?
  12. drea

    Pro's and Con's of Different Salt Mixes

    a bad batch of instant ocean? yikes, well that sux, but i'm sure it can happen to the other co's as well.... any way to tell if we have a bad batch? any tests we can do to the water?
  13. drea

    My Maroon Clowns have spawned!

    how do u know when they spawn?
  14. drea

    Pro's and Con's of Different Salt Mixes

    not a bad idea to review, post why, instant ocean has been working great for me, whats neg about it?
  15. drea

    weight limit

    dam......... bump, wanna here more of any other cases....
  16. drea

    phosphate remover?

    so true, i'll be doing that this weekend!
  17. drea

    the deal w/ yellow tangs?

    dam, and your in cali, there must be something particular about the fish
  18. drea

    atlantic blue tangs?

    good thing i asked!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. drea

    atlantic blue tangs?

    will they get along w/ a hippo? and how big do they get?
  20. drea

    the deal w/ yellow tangs?

    well, i use to have one b4 my gf cooked our fish (temp wnet up real high when air was off, anyway we have a really nice setup now) i will be getting one soon, but when i find a nice one... but that i mean, i always see them very skinny, seeing thier spines and sides, or discolored..... there is...