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  1. cartman101

    Are Puffer 24/7's fish all going to make it?

    Originally Posted by PFitz44 From Puffers profile: Join Date: 11-24-2005 Look at his posts.... wow.... When all your fish die, will you listen to them then??? Well... all but the panther grouper... theyre pretty hardy... In all seriousness, how long has your tank been set up for?? What are the...
  2. cartman101

    Are Puffer 24/7's fish all going to make it?

    Originally Posted by jr2857 i don't think clown triggers are the easiest fish to breed. i heard they are like impossible to breed. Yeah i think me and jcrim know that
  3. cartman101

    Are Puffer 24/7's fish all going to make it?

    Originally Posted by jr2857 yeah right. i saw that your tank wasn't even clear of sand and salt and there was a blue face angelfish and a panther grouper in it. look you posted it!!!!!!!!!! YOU FISH KILLER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad: And...
  4. cartman101

    Are Puffer 24/7's fish all going to make it?

    Yeah are they doing good?
  5. cartman101

    Are Puffer 24/7's fish all going to make it?

    Originally Posted by puffer24/7 HOW ARE U GONNA TELL ME NO OFFENSE BUT I GREW UP HERE ALL MY LIFE Because i use to live in Bradenton,fl for 16 years BURN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. cartman101

    Are Puffer 24/7's fish all going to make it?

    Originally Posted by puffer24/7 and of course the people that say my fish are gonna die dont know their ass from their head and of course people are gonna be against me bc i say it like it is and some people dont like that and cant handle it Now calm down, aren't you a little young to...
  7. cartman101

    Are Puffer 24/7's fish all going to make it?

    Originally Posted by jr2857 puffer i'm not offending you but u should really let your tank cycle. fishkeeping is a very patient hobby and sometimes difficult. i remenber a few years ago i bought goldfish and dumped em in a tank that i just put water in. i was stupid when i was 8 and regrett...
  8. cartman101

    Are Puffer 24/7's fish all going to make it?

    Originally Posted by puffer24/7 yea the old people live in south florida not central or northern florida actully they live everywhere.....
  9. cartman101

    Are Puffer 24/7's fish all going to make it?

    Originally Posted by puffer24/7 oh by the way where is my money, u dont have a pot to piss in, u have no where near the amount of stuff that i have and iam not braggin its just a fact you talking to me? are you talking to me???
  10. cartman101

    Are Puffer 24/7's fish all going to make it?

    Originally Posted by Cartman101 you mean by old people???????????? :notsure: wasn't there a post about florida? i cant find it
  11. cartman101

    Question on barracudas.

    just one???? I went snorkling in the keys, i jumped off the boat and about 10ft away were about 15-20 baracudas, it was pretty sweeeeeeeet!
  12. cartman101

    Are Puffer 24/7's fish all going to make it?

    Originally Posted by jcrim I knew triggerluv and puffer 24/7 were the same person!!!! triggerluv, from grim?!
  13. cartman101

    Are Puffer 24/7's fish all going to make it?

    you mean by old people???????????? :notsure:
  14. cartman101

    Are Puffer 24/7's fish all going to make it?

    OK so if his tank cycled there maybe a pretty big chance his fish will survive. As long as the tangs dont get ich he maybe ok. Puffer24/7, whats your filtration? Lets see pics of it too.
  15. cartman101

    Are Puffer 24/7's fish all going to make it?

    DUDE YOU GOTTA LET YOUR TANK CYCLE! :scared: Jcrim, dont be making post about other people like that, thats how very annoying arguements start up and it soon will be lock.
  16. cartman101

    Help! Dying from fish bite.

    dieing from a fish bite! What your little clown fish ? Gotta do better then that.
  17. cartman101

    Giant Puffer with 1000 gal tank

    :hilarious WOW that arguing was funny and FUN! Let me just tell you that are tanks aren't seaworld and i bet you any money that the fish in seaworld are very very happy! Just look at their enviroment, the only thing i dont like there is the way how people mess with the stigrays by pulling their...
  18. cartman101


    sure would love to have that in my tank :scared:
  19. cartman101

    Need snails?!

    what kind? How much? U got mail
  20. cartman101

    My Dog was murdered yesterday...

    Originally Posted by caomt sir, can you please identify the dog that attacked your dog? the beast looks smooth huh? HA cool website.....nice terminater music