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  1. cartman101

    this year is NOT going as planned...

    wow really! WOW! There some very very very very nice/wonderful people out there :cheer: I gotta spread the news one how wonderful it is here on saltwaterfish. I appricate this alot :happyfish Finally a healthy tank is coming
  2. cartman101

    this year is NOT going as planned...

    hoiw much is shipping? I think i will send you the money today or tommorow sound good?
  3. cartman101

    Lets see if Beth or anyone else can figure out what happend

    Well yesterday i loss a butterfly fish (if you haven't herd) and there was a big red scratch on his side and a bite out of his tail, doesn't look like a bite from a trigger. I have a small volitan lion, goldentail eel, damsel, and a niger trigger. Sorry no pics. Could lion stung the fish and...
  4. cartman101

    Your best gift you got!

    doesn't it suck when one of your best christmas presents brakes or maybe dies.....
  5. cartman101

    How do I kill of a sick fish humanely ?

    the quickest painfulest way i think is taking a BIG rock and smashing the fish. Yes i know very hard to do..VERY HARD. But its the quickest painfulest way i think.
  6. cartman101

    this year is NOT going as planned... there?
  7. cartman101

    $130 to make a refugium?

    what do i need the PVC for? can anyone show me a pic? So the pvc will attach to the return pump which will carry the water into my tank right?
  8. cartman101

    Better water change?

    i do about 20% every 2 weeks
  9. cartman101

    Where do you all get these small tank???

    hey didn't you say you are looking for a 150gal? Well go and look at the classified forum
  10. cartman101

    question about zebra moray

    Originally Posted by DME Crabs............... crabs and shrimp whatever
  11. cartman101

    Fs: 150 tank w/canopy and stand

    i belive space_geek was very interested in buying a 150gal. I will let him know you are selling it if its not sold all ready
  12. cartman101

    My Dog was murdered yesterday...

    i suggest you go out and by a shotgun......
  13. cartman101

    this year is NOT going as planned...

    Originally Posted by ScubaDoo I have an extra wet/dry that I am not using. You are welcome to it...complete with bio-balls. Send me you address. You will need to buy a pvc intake for the top and a rubber gasket for same. Available at home depot less than 5 bucks to get it up an...
  14. cartman101

    this year is NOT going as planned...

    Originally Posted by mitzel This is what this place is about helping eachother out not fighting madman you got mail cartman How fat is your eel? If its too small you might have to slip some netting over the intake of the overflow box WOW! I gotta say that WOW everyone is soooooooooo nice here...
  15. cartman101

    Where do you all get these small tank???

    I see people who have like 1, 2, 2.5, 3 gallon tanks! Where do you get them at? ***)
  16. cartman101

    1.015 salinity in lfs is this normal?

    that is why we must acclimate this long and cant rush.
  17. cartman101

    How to get new fish to eat

    yea, but he refuses almost everything so that is why i'm going to go to the lfs to pick up some live feeders just in case.
  18. cartman101

    Storing goldfish/ghost shrimp

    ok cool, i have tap water conditioner....will that harm the shrimp?
  19. cartman101

    My Dog was murdered yesterday...

    I bet that really broke your heart. Your neighbors should definitly get rid of their dog. I would go and take their dog away from them and put it in the pound. When i lived in florida some people across the street had a dog (forgot the breed name) and it attacked my grandma when she was walking...
  20. cartman101

    question about zebra moray

    They are a shy eel and have teeth similar to snowflake eels which are used to crush shells, so they primarliy eat shrimp. They get sorta big. Nice relaxed eel.