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  1. cartman101

    new puppy pics 1wk and 4 days old

    Cool! My beagle had babies too, only 2 died Oh well thats how life works i guess.
  2. cartman101

    burrowing snowflake eel?

    I would really love to see a picture of that if he does it again. Thats some strange eel you have
  3. cartman101

    Which do you like better?

    I'd go with the harliquin tusk! Lots of beauty to it.
  4. cartman101

    new puppy pics 1wk and 4 days old

    awwwwww cute puppy! I remember when my beagle was that big LOL. I still wish she was since she she wasn't a bad girl then. Congrats though Make sure you let him/her sleep when he/she gets tired.
  5. cartman101

    Lets see if Beth or anyone else can figure out what happend

    well, the butterfly was a christmas present and i didn't want to take it back, didn't want to hurt my dads feelings
  6. cartman101

    Big problem and near whipeout

    Originally Posted by jesatfis i dont think i had too many becuase they all lived till now. Your tank was a ticking time exploded that day. Sorry for your loss.
  7. cartman101

    Do You Know How To Flush? Become a TURLET Volunteer!

    ygm No i dont think i want to volunteer
  8. cartman101

    Question on barracudas.

    Not going to attempt one, just to let you know. But i was wondering, wouldn't one shred up everything in your tank? :thinking: I have seen them in the wild and on tv and i know what they are capable of :scared:
  9. cartman101

    How to get new fish to eat

    yea i did that. Guess i gotta wait awhile before he starts to eat frozen
  10. cartman101

    this year is NOT going as planned...

    thanks mitzel, hey whats the long "vaccume looking" tube? BTW you got mail
  11. cartman101

    this year is NOT going as planned...

    first thing first!!! I forgot the to mention! How wide is the back of the overflow?? I hope it will fit since my tank is sort of close to the wall. And i would like to know the rate for the pump too. Everything looks confusing, but when i get the equipment all this info you guys gave are...
  12. cartman101

    Do You Know How To Flush? Become a TURLET Volunteer!

    dont know how old this post is but.... YOU GOT MAIL SCUBA DOO
  13. cartman101

    this year is NOT going as planned...

    ok, now what is that pvc pipe for? Is there a tube in the pipe?
  14. cartman101

    How to get new fish to eat

    well i got the lion to eat live food Now i just need him to eat the frozen. I threw in a piece of krill and squid along with a live ghost shrimp, well the lion went right to the ghost shrimp and ate it. Then he stared at the frozen but never took it
  15. cartman101

    this year is NOT going as planned...

    ok mitzel
  16. cartman101

    this year is NOT going as planned...

    so in other words i gotta go and get the pvc pipes that fit right?
  17. cartman101

    $130 to make a refugium?

    how does the water from the sump get into the overflow box? And how does the water from the main tank get into the overflow?
  18. cartman101

    this year is NOT going as planned...

    Jcrim, how would i hook up the overflow to the sump and the pump to the tank? Would i need one of these or pvc? Thats the only part i'm confused at is how to hook it up, once i get that i'm good to go. Sorry for all these n00bie questions, but they must be answered. One more question, how does...
  19. cartman101

    tank cycling

    Originally Posted by jcrim The water doesn't matter. The bacteria lives in sand beds, liverock and filters. You can avoid a cycle by using "used" sand. You should of told me this 6 months ago
  20. cartman101

    this year is NOT going as planned...

    .....that i can do...