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  1. fishkid2

    My puffer survived

    i have a longhorn cowfish and i have a uv and a hose hooked up to my ph. The tube fell off and the longhorn's face got sucked in. His whole mouth and part of his face was in it. I quick turned off the ph and my cow started to swim around and he got super black. His mouth was like bloody. :mad...
  2. fishkid2

    foxface with corals

    I have a foxface in my tank and I tryed to put a cream crown leather in my tank. He niped at it so there is some holes in the coal. :mad: I am going to put it in my aquapod so it gets healthy again. There was some seaweed in there and some alge off the rock where he could of ate from. instead...
  3. fishkid2

    If foxface dies does it release venom and kill everything else?

    no, I think its only on contact with their spines
  4. fishkid2

    Need any ideas on catching my damsel?

    set a trap
  5. fishkid2

    Something weird

    A while ago I saw something in my water. It was a jellyfish, it was about a couple mm long and it was pulsing along in my tank like jellyfsih do. until my chormis tryed eating it and it died. I had a container for it to, but just before i was going to get it he killed it. Does that suck or...
  6. fishkid2


    I like my longhorn cowfish. I have him in my reef.
  7. fishkid2

    ? about lighting

    What about the viper clamp lamp? Anyone using this? I's seems too cheap. :thinking: :notsure:
  8. fishkid2

    sixline wrasse

    You know how sixlines eat a snail that kills clams. They are tiny white coned snails. i kept on seeing them on my clam and the wrasse has been in there for a long time. I bought a derasa clam then about a week later i saw those snails. I kept on taking out the snails that i saw on the clam. Then...
  9. fishkid2

    sixline wrasse

    I have a sixline and this thing is messed. First I had him in a 24 gal aquapod and he was picking on my firefish and my yellow watchman. Then i moved him in a 55 with three chromis. Now he is picking on them when he was in there last. I also had a chromis in my aquapod and the sixline was not...
  10. fishkid2

    Updated picture of Blue Spotted Ribbontail

    Were you afraid of him bitting your hand off? Don't they have some chumpers?
  11. fishkid2

    is a fat tang a healthy tang?

    Tangs bellies get like that when they eat seaweed.
  12. fishkid2

    New Tank start-up and the costs involved

    lr.. its about 8-10 bucks a lb.. i know a place online you could get lr (Live Rock) for only $2.25 a pound.
  13. fishkid2

    Lawnmower Blenny size

    I think up to 5 in. so he's pretty big
  14. fishkid2

    2 BTA's side by side

    As long if they get along, they a fine. I know one person with 4 btas together with one giant ocellaris clown.
  15. fishkid2

    ? about lighting

    Happened before already a couple times, but then the breaker did not go out anymore.
  16. fishkid2

    ? about lighting

    i have too much electricity going in my room more in the summer.I have a window air contetionar(spelling is bad) T.V., 300 something watts of lighting plus electicity for heaters and powerheads for 4 tanks in one room.
  17. fishkid2

    ? about lighting

    Probably will get the 70 becouse breaker might go out if I get a 150 w. Enless I get a better breaker
  18. fishkid2

    ? about lighting

    I wtb a sunpod 7o w mh system for my 24 gal aquapod. My question is could I put sps corals or blue maxima clams in my tank if I get this or would I have to get the 150 w?
  19. fishkid2

    My Clown Bit Me!

    I got a giant clarkii that bits me trying to protect his anemone.
  20. fishkid2

    Foxface+reef= ?

    I have a focface in my reef right now. I heard that you just have to keep them well feed so they don't nip, but thats just mine.