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  1. farmboy

    Topic of the Month:refugiums

    Hey Bret, Maybe something like this?
  2. farmboy

    Some shrooms from lfs

    That's cool. Shrooms grow pretty quick too. You'll probably have babies soon. . . . Good deal!
  3. farmboy

    What fish would you be?

    Stingray -- really cool! They look like they are flying. :happyfish
  4. farmboy

    Some shrooms from lfs

    Sweet! Good price, too! I just paid $15 for a "hairy" mushroom. It was about the size of a silver dollar in the LFS. When I put it high up in my tank, it expanded to around 3" diameter. I feel like I got a pretty good deal. How big are your new shrooms? It is hard to tell from the pic.
  5. farmboy

    Will they Rumble? Blenny vs. Mandarin

    Thanks for the reply! We also have a couple of oscilaris clowns that seem perfectly indifferent to both of the newcomers. My wife commented on how graceful the new guys swim compared to the clowns. I had to point out that is kinda why they call them "clown" fish.
  6. farmboy

    What's the worst thing...

    Ad-ware. Although it pales in comparison to your problem, it is infuriating. I had to totally clean my computer and re-install all the software from scratch. Missing drivers and the whole nine yards! One other time I ran into something that must have been a virus because it would shut the...
  7. farmboy

    Will they Rumble? Blenny vs. Mandarin

    Algae Blenny. ON SWF they call them "lawn mower" blennys. I know their diets are completely different so they won't be competing, it just looked kinda wierd to see them "face off". Maybe just testing the waters? No pun intended. . . .
  8. farmboy

    Does anyone have Electric Blue mushrooms?

    Smoney--"you've got mail"
  9. farmboy

    Will they Rumble? Blenny vs. Mandarin

    I've not read about any problems putting these 2 in a tank together but ours seem to have had "words" when they were first introduced(together-same day). Anyone have this combo? Any problems?
  10. farmboy

    Frag Swap 9/05

    This was a great idea--I hope I can get in on the next one!! :jumping: I must keep current on the boards!!
  11. farmboy

    Does anyone have Electric Blue mushrooms?

    I thought that shell looked familiar!! :thinking: I was just pointing out that the light in your tank didn't make things LOOK different It actually MADE the shroom that blue color--very cool! Everyone can recognize that color on the shell. Keep up the good work, Frosty.
  12. farmboy

    Does anyone have Electric Blue mushrooms?

    Don't lie on here and tell everyone how hard you work Crabby!!
  13. farmboy

    Does anyone have Electric Blue mushrooms?

    Lighting apparently makes the difference in the color. Mine are under 160 watts of N.O. flourescent--80watt actinic and 80 watt 10k. Frosty has bunches more light and a different spectrum than me (and Snowcrab). Like I said, I will swap with ya Smoney--Look for an email tomarrow. Just got the...
  14. farmboy

    Does anyone have Electric Blue mushrooms?

    No problem Frosty, I'm glad to be able to help. Snowcrab hooked me up and helped me get started in the hobby. He was the one who pinted me to these message boards as well! And now because of the "thermos" method you pointed us to, I get to tell everyone about my well traveled stripey from...
  15. farmboy

    Does anyone have Electric Blue mushrooms?

    Hello Shroom lovers! What's up Frosty? THe stripey is alive and growing-around the size of a silver dollar now. I have shrooms to trade with, however, they kinda look more purple to me but I guess it depends on your lighting. I haven't been online for a while-PC problems that I'm trying to zero...
  16. farmboy


    I do. When you get to vote, Mr. Shubert, I'm guessing you will, too. (Are you able to vote yet?) One should know why they choose what or whom they choose. Do you agree? I do think it is very difficult to change another persons opinion on politics because it is tied into so many differnt facets...
  17. farmboy


    They are in the tank-repeat: They are in the tank. THe shrooms have landed. Pics later. . .
  18. farmboy

    man this is not good some stupid people in this world

    Yeah, YOur tank is a little bigger than that. :D What do you feed lemon sharks? (Anything they want, right?)
  19. farmboy

    fragging a shroom

    Hey Oceana, I just traded some shrooms with another member. The ones he sent were free floating, so I'm trying the method of attatching them that you described. Teresa has your trick, too. I feel like I'm the last one to know.
  20. farmboy


    It would be fun for the lion. . . :D Hey Kleekai, You are just going to have to get a BIGGER tank. :yes: Darn the bad luck.