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  1. farmboy

    fragging a shroom

    If a piece of a shroom gets torn off, can it start another one? :notsure:
  2. farmboy


    They're Here! Thanks again Frosty! :yes: EMail tag-your it!
  3. farmboy

    --Coraline eating crabs--

    Thanks for the reply Swatskee. DO you think these crabs are just vandals? Sea weed seems to be the thing to get. THanks again!
  4. farmboy

    --Coraline eating crabs--

    Could it be snails? We don't have any urchins. The crabs seem to be picking at the rock. Now we have lots of little white splotches on the live rock. They do need something different to eat. The snail population is dwindling. . . Thanks for the advice, Mud!
  5. farmboy


    Itchy, you are such a retard! That was me just kidding. :D
  6. farmboy

    --Coraline eating crabs--

    THese guys love flake soaked in water with garlic, but what else is a good substitute for eating coraline? Or snails for that matter!! We have emeralds, blue and red hermits. Thanks in advance.
  7. farmboy

    Manliest way to die.

    I read a story once of a man that was bludgeoned to death with a baseball bat. The police originally ruled it a suicide. That is pretty manly. :thinking:
  8. farmboy

    overflow question ( U tube )

    SOunds GOOD! :happy:
  9. farmboy

    Democrat or Republican?

    Wow! I'm surprised this thread does't have one of those little lock things at the bottom. Hey Tang, I struggle with some of the passages in the Bible. Did God really mean THAT?!? Try Job sometime. He got an education . . . . BTW I helped make KY a RED state. :)
  10. farmboy

    Democrat or Republican?

    Good point, Thang. It doesn't seem to add up. I notice another twist of the thread. . . .
  11. farmboy

    Democrat or Republican?

    Is it just me or do these threads go from politics to religion in about 2 seconds? :notsure: :yes:
  12. farmboy

    Democrat or Republican?

    Regarding mercy and the afterlife: Matthew 25 The Parable of the Ten Virgins 1"At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. 2Five of them were foolish and five were wise. 3The foolish ones took their lamps but did not take...
  13. farmboy

    Democrat or Republican?

    Faith in God and a relationship with Him is a very personal/individual thing. Since everyone is different, we try to find a Church(denomination) that we are best suited for. I doubt there is any one person who agrees with every thing/tradition in their Church. The minute details are moot...
  14. farmboy

    Democrat or Republican?

    THis conversation goes on . . . . :sleepy: Tang, regarding deathrow conversions: Matthew 20 The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard 1"For the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire men to work in his vineyard. 2He agreed to pay them a denarius for...
  15. farmboy

    Aquarium Weight Issue

    Originally Posted by Brycewood Wouldn't the average bed have a smaller footprint because it rests on just the legs? Yes, but divide by the number of legs.
  16. farmboy


    Hey Frosty, It's me again. . . . . Email tag! You're it!
  17. farmboy

    overflow question ( U tube )

    "" lower your level inside the MAIN until all the return chamber water will fit in it. "" Not the sump level-lower the display level a little more. If you can get the dimensions of your sump we can calculate the volume of water it holds(return part). Then we can figure from your diplay...
  18. farmboy


    Hey Frosty, CHeck yo mail, man! :happy:
  19. farmboy

    overflow question ( U tube )

    Hey SHiby Can you post a pic of your modification? There are several things to keep the snail scenario from happening. 1-put a sponge/screen on the inner overflow box to physically stop critters from entering. 2-float switch (like a basement type sump pump-these can be found at local hardware...
  20. farmboy


    Shame on you! Parking in the city! Trying to sleep at 2:00AM! And you, oldsman, what were you thinking? YOu were just asking for someone to steal that cd player!! :rolleyes: Kinda makes ya want to have your own little island. Think of the fish you could see . . .