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  1. drea

    High Nitrate I dont understand

    had mine tested by lfs, a good one, i had the red sea test kits, they suck, i knew my levels were perfect!
  2. drea

    Boxing crabs

    very nice, can you use these w/ emrald crabs and in fowlr?
  3. drea

    yellow tang question

    i have a 70 tall oceanic, very nice tank, but i want to introduce 3 tangs at onec, hippo, yellow n purple.. i actually had a post on it.. but we will see, the only one i really like is the hippo, i have a peacock puffer n clown in there that i have had for 3 yrs..
  4. drea

    yellow tang question

    whats hlll? i'm getting a few tangs soon and need to be prpared, thanx
  5. drea

    coral beauty died

    had him for 3 weeks in the qt tank, all levels perfect, nitrates at like 20 he always ate very little, then he stopped eating and died later that day.. its so weird cause there was no sign what so ever, and i have live rock in there.. any tips on these particular fish?
  6. drea

    stocking a 70 g oceanic tank?

    whats the deal w/ my nitrates? they seem to be stuck around 50, i just changed a filter cartridge i just suppose to wait it through or?
  7. drea

    uv sterilizer

    i have a turbo twist too worried about installing it on my 70 g, till i research some more
  8. drea

    “Drip Method” Acclimation Questions

    i like the 1/4 method also, never ever had a problem.... as for the hermit crabs, i have never acclimated any in my life, all have been alive 4eva, i just throw them in :joy:
  9. drea

    i have a penguin dual bio wheel for my 70 and ?

    cool, i think i get it, thanx for the help
  10. drea

    i have a penguin dual bio wheel for my 70 and ?

    bump, please help
  11. drea

    i have a penguin dual bio wheel for my 70 and ?

    how often should i change one of the cartridges? i have had many different answers... right now i just moved my 30 g tank into a 70 w/ 10 lbs live rock & sand, it has about 15 blue hermits, 5 snails, a percula and a peacock puffer (they are both about 3.5 inches long) its been like 3 days...
  12. drea

    If you were stocking a 500g

    i would pick the peaceful tank... you can fill it up w/ plenty of nice looking fish and enjoy it more, imo
  13. drea

    stocking a 70 g oceanic tank?

    ok, its all done, how long do you think it will be safe to know that i have gone through any small cycle? i added extra bacteria, used the same filter cartridge and all, added live rock and sand and used about 30 gallons of new water and 25 of old water. also, when should i turn on the protein...
  14. drea

    will a purple, yellow and hippo be compadable?

    cool, thanx for all the help, you guys are great, i'm gonns do some more research and see what i can come up with, i will be getting a larger tank in the near future so that may help, but i would love to see them grow all together for a long while, i guess we'll see
  15. drea

    will a purple, yellow and hippo be compadable?

    lol, i know i just read up on some stuff, thanx bro
  16. drea

    55gal pics wanted!

    that tank is sick
  17. drea

    will a purple, yellow and hippo be compadable?

    3 tangs all together... i hear its possible but i know the purple and yellow can be aggressive, (i would be buying them all small) its for a 70 g tank
  18. drea

    stocking a 70 g oceanic tank?

    lol, i only have a peguin 330 or whatever, daul bio wheel for now, its been great untill i upgrade, i also have a prizm skimmer
  19. drea

    stocking a 70 g oceanic tank?

    sorry, coral beauty... yeah, i'm gonna work on it the entire day, i hope it all works out, so i guess i'll add the fish tomorrow or a few days and just let it run w/ an air line? i'm just a little nervous...
  20. drea

    cleaning coral (decorative) w/ bleach?

    yeah, its comin out "ok" seems to be yellow though, i'll keep trying a bit