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  1. farmboy

    Exquisite Wrasse-Got one?

    Anyone else?
  2. farmboy

    Micro-organisms on my glass

    Hey Mudman, I've read that six line wrasses LOVE these. Did I read somewhere on here that you have or are getting a Mandarin? They are supposed to be voracious pod slayers. I know this isn't what you want to hear, but there are many who would love to have your pod problem.
  3. farmboy

    Hitchhiker Identifications

    Thanks for the reply! The snail hitchhiker has only 1 or 2 small white "antennae". Is this vermetid beneficial? This is not the only snail that is "packin". The spongy thing has coraline starting to grow on the very top of it so this may be a sign of it croaking. ? . The coral-looking thing...
  4. farmboy

    Micro Bubbles!

    You say you are drawing water (suction side of pump) over the side of the sump? Is this the same setup as the old pump? If the inlet is very close to the surface of the water it will do this. It doesn't actually have to be out of the water to suck air from the surface. Is your inlet in the...
  5. farmboy

    Hitchhiker Identifications

    Reefnut? Tizzo? Anybody? WHat is all this stuff??
  6. farmboy

    Exquisite Wrasse-Got one?

    Agreed! However, one man's trash is another man's treasure.
  7. farmboy

    Exquisite Wrasse-Got one?

    I'm considering one of these guys for my 75 gallon. Has anyone had any experience with them? Are they hard to feed/keep? Do they look as good as the pictures?
  8. farmboy

    Hitchhiker Identifications

    This thing is strange looking and hasn't moved/deteriorated. Some shell left from an animal?
  9. farmboy

    Hitchhiker Identifications

    How about this? Coral?
  10. farmboy

    Hitchhiker Identifications

    The "host" is an Astrea snail. The worm sorta looks like a little feather duster. Maybe? Here is another pic. Is this a sponge?
  11. farmboy

    Hitchhiker Identifications

    Snail hitchhiker. Worm?
  12. farmboy

    Devastating losses/lessons learned...

    I know exactly what you mean!!! I have almost an identical setup. There is nothing like snagging a rock with your net while chasing down a fish! The most success I've had is at feeding time. . . .
  13. farmboy

    Quarantine setup improvement

    Sorry I missed this thread. I posted some ideas on the other thread you started. OOPS! Another idea may be to use fake plants/coral. I haven't used one a lot but the idea of a hospital/QT tank is to keep FUNK out of your display. THis would imply that at some point you WILL get some critter...
  14. farmboy

    Devastating losses/lessons learned...

    Some more ideas for a QT tank: Use about half of your water for the QT tank from the main tank and make up the rest + replace main tank water with new SW. This helps by putting established bacteria in the QT and doubles as a water change for main tank. I've used the bio-balls from my main in my...
  15. farmboy

    Devastating losses/lessons learned...

    I've heard that angels are very picky about water quality. My buddy kept one for a while(months) and his ph got out of wack a little. The angel died while everything else was ok. He had a mandarin and several clowns and a royal grama, snails, crabs and starfish. The angel was the only one...
  16. farmboy

    Reply to Shoreliner again/Evolution/Creation debate :)

    God wants us to know him. Thus his inspired word-the Bible. Good discussion. Apple dumplings. Nuff said. The diversity of deserts on this planet is staggering.
  17. farmboy

    Guinea pigs or rabbit?

    How about a FISH?
  18. farmboy

    Reply to Shoreliner again/Evolution/Creation debate :)

    Read a little further. . . .the helper is woman. . . " 20 So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds of the air and all the beasts of the field. But for Adam [h] no suitable helper was found. 21 So the LORD God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he...
  19. farmboy

    Check out my setup

    Sweet! Is that lalo rock? It looks like mine. Nice.
  20. farmboy

    Reply to Shoreliner again/Evolution/Creation debate :)

    Hey Mola, 19 Now the LORD God had formed out of the ground all the beasts of the field and all the birds of the air. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name. 20 So the man gave names to all the livestock, the...