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  1. farmboy

    Nice Lawnmower pic

    Great pics! The Jabba reference is not lost.
  2. farmboy


    Be patient Grasshoppers! "If you build it, they will come." My tank cycled about 2 weeks ago, and today i've seen many pods out in the open. Also, they came out during the "on" lighting cycle. My coraline is starting to come back and even is growing on some "reef bones" we used for base. Salt...
  3. farmboy


    Drew, Don't worry about not seeing any pods. There kinda like seeing a shooting star. Real fast and then you're like, "was that a. . . .?". They will come out.
  4. farmboy

    Nice Lawnmower pic

    This is one of the fish I would like to get for my new setup (75 g). You guys take great pics of them! I have read that these fish have interesting habits/personality. TRUE?
  5. farmboy

    Nice Lawnmower pic

    Sweet! How big is he? It is hard to get perspective.
  6. farmboy


    Originally Posted by mudplayerx Hehe, I assume everyone is a guy for some reason. I'm not chauvanistic, just stupid lol. . . .wasn't there one time when you posted "madam" to someone with a Kitty Cat avatar, and it turned out to be a guy!? (I think he said it was his girlfriends cat) That was...
  7. farmboy

    Squidd.......Teach me.....DYI:Plumbing 101 on a SW Tank

    So, there's going to be a SECOND edition Plumbing 101. It was only a matter of time guys. .. .
  8. farmboy


    Lisa, If you can use a whole package of cleaners in the future, I highly recommend I ordered the "in the mix" cleaner crew plus a 10 for $10 bunch of cerith snails. I only found 1 empty shell in the lot. There has been some mortal combat and one snail and one scarlet crab just kind of...
  9. farmboy

    Squidd.......Teach me.....DYI:Plumbing 101 on a SW Tank

    Have you all considered a "Sump/refugium for dummies" series? "Plumbing 101" seems to have graduated and maybe it even needs a supplemental!! VERY GOOD STUFF!! THANKS TO ALL CONTRIBUTORS!!
  10. farmboy

    hermit crabs fighting?

    Originally Posted by nanoreef :hilarious I have no idea what to say but that sounds sooo funny How about: "LET'S GET READY TO RUMBLE!!!" ( have to imagine the "Eye of the tiger" Rocky music now. ...)
  11. farmboy

    hermit crabs fighting?

    My tank looks like the "killing fields" some mornings since we added the "cleaner crew". We have had a few fatalities in mortal combat and 2 of seemingly natural causes, but mostly they would rather clean up than fight. . . . and they really REALLY like to fight!! I read on here that blue legs...
  12. farmboy


    I have a perc that is hanging around on the bottom but isn't swimming around after "lights on". His buddy is doing fine--other tankmates oK --water parameters fine. Do they take spells of melancholly or something????
  13. farmboy

    BANG Heater Controller?

    If you are electrically inclined, you could wire a household t-stat in series with your heater and set the temp at the highest point you ever wanted to see a temp, like 82. The thermostat has its own thermometer that could be dropped into the water. It would be just like turning on your...
  14. farmboy


    Don't be too rough on them Ophiura. We all knew what they were talking about. ... ...
  15. farmboy


    . . . . . . . . . . . . Nemo . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  16. farmboy

    LFS gave me ICH

    Thanks for the heads up Snowcrab. I got a buddy who's gonna hook me up with some shrooms. Hey, he lives in your hometown. . . . . Lights come after the final fuge/sump plumbing. My baffles were a little too tall on the sump compartment. The water fell too far and made little bubbles...
  17. farmboy

    you know youre a reef addict when...

    Hey Murph, You might find that special someone checking out your tank while you're in the kitchen finishing dinner. You could chow down while staring at the TANK!! HOw cool is THAT?? Then you'll know you have found the right one. SSweet1, The field trip to your house may put you in the front...
  18. farmboy

    you know youre a reef addict when...

    . . . or when you let you rich uncle " VISA " buy you some stuff for your tank!
  19. farmboy


    You know, It could help sell fish. "why yes we have clown fish (when customer asks for nemo) and we also have bue tangs. You know "Dory! (kids go crazy) But mom and dad will have to get a little bigger tank to put these fish in. Nemo just wouldn't be happy without a Dory." It's just CRAZY...
  20. farmboy

    Return outperforming overflows

    Hey beta, Did you find what you need to be "Moving on up" out of the ghetto? I'll bet you've been reading some from Dr. Squid. THis site is Great.