Search results

  1. farmboy

    LFS gave me ICH

    I bought 2 tank raised perc clowns from a lfs and the next day, one of them has little white pimple looking things on it. I called the LFS owner. He told me that my tank salinity (S.G. 1.024) was too high and that is what gave them ICH. . . . These are the first and only fishes after the...
  2. farmboy

    Return outperforming overflows

    How big are your drains? A one inch bulkhead is rated around 600 gph. Even 2 of these wouldn't keep up with that pump. That might explain the ghetto. . . Any plumbing you add, including 90's and 45's, will lower your flow rate. I'm sure the SCWD would as well--not sure how much. You could...
  3. farmboy

    Flying Crabs?

    Cleaning crew is very busy. sent me some nice looking critters. I lost one cerith snail(add on) and one red leg crab died after 1 day in the tank, but everyone else seems to be fine! Coral banded shrimp is AWSOME!
  4. farmboy

    LR and Lighting

    If you existing hood has 24" bulbs, you can get different color spectrum bulbs for it also. Maybe your bulbs just need to be replaced. They lose their color after 1 year or so. . .
  5. farmboy

    LR and Lighting

    You may be able to stuff a $10.00 shop light under your hood/canopy. OR TWO. I'm not sure how much more light you need for just coraline but normal output (40 watt/ 48") flourescents of the right color spectrum should do it.
  6. farmboy

    Flying Crabs?

    There are some well traveled snails and crabs on their way to my house!! I ordered the "in the mix" Reef package from I can't wait to see my very expensive live rock uncovered from the funk that has accumulated during the cycle. I will post pics ASAP. Does anyone have any tips on these...
  7. farmboy

    Which Test kits are a must have for New Reef Tank?

    I know there are several tests you need for salt that are not in a fresh water kit, however my amonia, nitrite, and ph tests (i have a lo and high range ph test) seem to work on either salt or fresh. Does this sound accurate?
  8. farmboy

    half dead brain

    DON'T PULL THE FEEDING TUBE OUT!!!!!!! I'm not a Dr. but . . . .give it a chance. You just have a little brain damage. . . (I know this was tastless--sorry)
  9. farmboy

    Progress on my 180

    I think you're just showing off. . . . . .but if you got it - flaunt it! Great pics. Cool setup. I know a lot of folks here are all about the coral, and I really like them too. BUT- I would miss seeing the fishes in my tank. I like the different little critters too. AWSOME!!
  10. farmboy

    POWER OUT ?? what would you do....??

    I agree with the power inverter idea. Another source you may not have thought of is your favorite auto parts store. I bought one there that will carry 400watts for $30.00. That will move a lot of water and run a little light. (or run most all of my VHO's) Your tank heaters are probably...
  11. farmboy

    Baby Clowns Day 20 - NEW PICS

    THANKS for the info, Joe! I really would like to have some baby clowns in the tank. I also have a 75g. My first 2 "visible" inhabitants after the cycle are Clowns. (Got them 4/24/05) Appreciate you sharing your experience!
  12. farmboy

    when airport security goes too far

    I think we need to call in PETA.
  13. farmboy

    Help please. I have a problem.

    Sorry about your Clowntrigger, Bill. You may want to check your water parameters. In your line of work, you've seen cause and effect. I have a pony right now that has sore feet (too much grain-hooves too long and yes we called a professional). The sore feet make her feel miserable all over...
  14. farmboy

    Baby Clowns Day 20 - NEW PICS

    I'm showing my green horns here but, how do you keep them in the main tank without them becoming dinner? Do the babies get rotifers? or what to eat?
  15. farmboy

    Progress on my 180

    I've read that in a refugium you can grow some AWSOME tang food that will also help filter your water. Gracilaria? Nice tank, Sir.
  16. farmboy

    Baby Clowns Day 20 - NEW PICS

    Joe, How big is your breeding tank?? Any tips for a wanna be clown fish breeder?
  17. farmboy

    My First Real Nano

    Either Bang defies gravity or Bang gets a bigger house. NICE TANK. They know you by name at the plumbing aisle, don't they?
  18. farmboy

    2700 gallon aquarium pics

    Your wife must be very understanding. Righteous tank! I'm guessing you can put a pretty big shark in there, so what and how much do ya feed JAWS?????
  19. farmboy

    PH keeps dropping!

    ..........calm down........... ....breath in through your nose..... ........out through your mouth....... ......go to your happy place........ RELAX you've come to the right place. (and leave the donkeys out of this.)
  20. farmboy


    Thanks for the run down on the fuge/sump setup. Also, the address was helpful. Sometimes it is hard to find what your looking for on the net because there is so MUCH info.