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  1. cartman101

    150 agressive fish options

    first thing first, they will get too big for a 150gal, they may look small at the pet store, but when full grown....well lets just say put a NFL football in your tank, ta da! Theres what a full grown porc will look like. Second, they are fin nippers and i know some people where there porc thered...
  2. cartman101

    150 agressive fish options

    if you really want the puffer go for it, they have the most personality and are really fun to watch! I'm saying if thats your fish line up you cant add any more fish. If you drop the puffer you could get a wrasse and another fish, dunno whcih kind you would have to research that. Researching is...
  3. cartman101

    150 agressive fish options

    I just typed a very long post and then my computer rebooted! :mad: :mad: Ok, now on with your question again How about this: -yellow head -lion(your choice) -puffer(THEY ARE EXTREMELY MESSY EATERS AND WHEN THEY POOP THEY POOP! S0 HAVE FILTRATION RATED FOR A 200GAL+ TANK OK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! )...
  4. cartman101

    Water quality and SG

    you put real ocean water in your tank!? Thats a bad start ocean water has pollutants in it and can be deadly, or is this REAL OCEAN water a brand name?
  5. cartman101

    seahorse question

    oh live food?! I dont think i can support him with live brine shrimp So its left with the octo or the leopard gecko :notsure:
  6. cartman101

    150 agressive fish options

    panther groupers get HUGE!!!!!!!! You need more then 180gals for that fish. Triggers could work, i think a tang would get to stressed out with the agressive fish, i could be wrong, i'm just scared that if they get ich then ich could go on the other fish, up to you
  7. cartman101

    150 agressive fish options

    Originally Posted by pitbull01 Get a radiata! they are AWESOME! I totaly agree! Though they are hard to ween to frozen foods
  8. cartman101

    16 and counting!!!

    Originally Posted by pitbull01 How the heck would you transport those kids? You'd have to be a school bus driver! definitly by a bus
  9. cartman101

    150 agressive fish options

    ok so u r getting a 150gal tank, cool. Puffers and lions aren't really compatible but there are some puffers that can work. There are lots of eels that can work to same with groupers! Check this list out and see what you think: EEL: Choose from alot of speicies, what eel you looking for? LION...
  10. cartman101

    seahorse question

    I got a empty 10gal tank and i was wondering, if i take established water from my 125gal and put it in the 10gal with some rocks and sand and filtration and lighting could that work for a seahorse? And what kind of filteration should i use? I got a empty 10gal tank and i'm just getting some...
  11. cartman101


    i think the only egg would be from a banded cat
  12. cartman101

    What fish would you be?

    so anglers are females and males combined?????? Or just females? if they are just females how come we have LOTS of anglers in the world??????
  13. cartman101

    125-150 for christmas (stockin list moray only)

    then just only the tesse. The tesse will get to be about a little more 5ft. i think about 5ft and 6ins. They are big eels!
  14. cartman101


    first things first, what will the length and width be of this tank???
  15. cartman101

    eel advice please?

    Originally Posted by justice16 What about the idea of 2 eels, tesse + zebra in a 150? Would 150 gallons be sufficient to accomodate both eels without the addition of other aggressive fish? If not, does anyone know of any other large eels that I can keep together in this size aquarium? whats the...
  16. cartman101

    125-150 for christmas (stockin list moray only)

    180gal is still small i would say something like of 8ft lenghth and at least 2 ft width for there whole entire life
  17. cartman101

    125-150 for christmas (stockin list moray only)

    *have Lots Of Rocks, Lots Of Filtration*
  18. cartman101

    125-150 for christmas (stockin list moray only)

    no, you must go higher!!!!!!!! This would work: -yellow head -fimbriata -zebra (not sure what a white eye moray is, but if it stays under 2ft then sure) OR -tesse and a smaller eel( tesses get big and require at least a 180gal when adult.
  19. cartman101

    coral cat shark(atelomycterus marmoratus)

    i was thinking, if i dont get the shark could this be fine in my tank? What i have in my tank now: -goldentail moray -niger tigger( sorry requiem, i told you i have a pinktail trigger, i was looking at the pinktail trigger online when talking to you LOL) What i want: -maybe another eel? zebra...
  20. cartman101

    coral cat shark(atelomycterus marmoratus)

    first off, requiem, thank you very much you! Your advice was awesome! One last thing i need to ask you but didn't have time, where did you say i can get these sharks at? And ReeferDC, i love sharks, the only reason that i want to become a marinebiologist is to study sharks. I have with swam...