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  1. cartman101

    coral cat shark(atelomycterus marmoratus)

    i'm giving it to a friend when i leave for college
  2. cartman101

    coral cat shark(atelomycterus marmoratus)

    Originally Posted by lion_crazz how much bigger of a tank will he be going into in two years? and how small are you going to get him so that he is not too big for an 18" wide tank? maybe around 7-10 in or so. Dont know how small they come
  3. cartman101

    coral cat shark(atelomycterus marmoratus)

    its going into a 180gal(6ftx2ft). I sent you that email requiem
  4. cartman101

    coral cat shark(atelomycterus marmoratus)

    not to argue but in about 2 years he will be going in a bigger tank
  5. cartman101

    coral cat shark(atelomycterus marmoratus)

    I would like to have some advice about these creatures, Scott Michaels says they can live in a 80gal+ I would love to have one of these creatures but i have a some questions! #1. My tank is three months old, there are lots of coralline algae in the tank...everywhere! I here coralline comes...
  6. cartman101

    Panther grouper help.

    tell me u have the appropriate tanks size and if its in your 72gal u will upgrade
  7. cartman101

    Sea Snake ??

    Originally Posted by Nmocean Also, can't sea snakes survive on dry land? -Jen YES
  8. cartman101


    if you have about $800+ for a dragon then get one! a fimbriatus eel will get very mean, and a black edge moray will get mean, but not as mean. The tesse will get very big for your tank, if you are going to upgrade later i would get one. A golden reverse moray is very shy will not really bother...
  9. cartman101

    feeder fish for moray

    ok good its not a fimbriatus eel. Yeah, i would just wait before feeding my eel, do you know what the lfs was feeding him??
  10. cartman101

    What to feed

    and u should of researched before buying your fish
  11. cartman101

    What to feed

    i would the feed the puffer shrimp, same with the anemoneas, and the rest of the fish flakes. What size tank do u have?
  12. cartman101

    feeder fish for moray

    first off, can i see a picture of the eel? Any time would be fine. I would wait a few days before feeding him, give him some time, dont sweat they can go for a long time with out food
  13. cartman101

    goldentail moray reverse

    i have seen a tesse and medium size sfe in the same tank and the tesse was about 4ft and the sfe was about 1ft 4-5in
  14. cartman101

    goldentail moray reverse

    there really shouldn't be a problem i think. U have the tesse now?
  15. cartman101

    yellow head moray and lion

    Originally Posted by DAVE_15 it made a hole in the bag when i was comming back from my Lfs (good they put double bag) hahahaha same with my trigger!
  16. cartman101

    yellow head moray and lion

    then i bet its a rueppelie (sp?) eel. They aren't has mean as the fimbriatus
  17. cartman101

    yellow head moray and lion

    theres no spots on its head right?? (yellow with spots) Then i think its the ruepp. eel then
  18. cartman101

    Sea Snake ??

    Originally Posted by TexasMetal haha that's pretty darn cute. I don't think that's a "Sea Snake" though. I'll try to find a link to one. right my bad, its a spotted snake eel
  19. cartman101

    yellow head moray and lion

    this eel was defintly on my too get list but it was off in a jppy untill i herd it gets extremely aggressive