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  1. cartman101

    New tank... Questions... Lions, puffers, eels,

    *see my post in the aggressive forum*
  2. cartman101

    Cycling question

    brwon stuff is called diatom, a type of algae. If you filled your tank up with tap YOU ARE IN FOR A TREAT!!!!!!!
  3. cartman101

    New tank... Questions... Lions, puffers, eels,

    what kind of lion do you have???
  4. cartman101

    who lives in missouri?

    Originally Posted by PJMumie I'm in Branson too - actually I live in one of the SUBURBS, Hollister...LOL Yeah, Pet Depot is kinda scary - expensive and the poor saltwater animals have such poor conditions and terrible lighting. I bought an Emperor from them and they don't even carry the...
  5. cartman101

    who lives in missouri?

    Originally Posted by Clowner19 Pretty bad, huh? Where's it at? Might be worth a laugh next time I'm down there. We have a cabin in Kimberling city, and my buddy's folks have a place in Hollister. I go to Cichlids all the time. I always have to wait until I have an afternoon free, that guy can...
  6. cartman101

    New tank... Questions... Lions, puffers, eels,

    :happyfish Well first off you should have no fish in the tank with ammonia or nitrite(a damsel would be the best fish for that). Dont feed your lion goldfish!!!!!!!!NO GOLDFISH! Feed him saltwater food. A ribbontail eel is very hard to keep so i would say no to it. The most important thing to do...
  7. cartman101

    Eel in a Community tank

    your upgrading to a 125gal??? You need bigger! Nice eels though!
  8. cartman101

    Eel in a Community tank

    what tank size do you have them in???
  9. cartman101

    stockin for a 180

    Originally Posted by DAVE_15 what about a stingray would i be able to keep one or two? :happyfish what about the eel...what kind of eel can i keep there and how many? yup, but only one
  10. cartman101

    lionfish acting stranger than normal

    search the forum of lock jaw. I think its too late for your lion, i MAY BE WRONG THOUGH. what other fish do you have?
  11. cartman101

    lionfish acting stranger than normal

    i'm guessing it has lock jaw? But lets see what others say. Do you have a quarintine tank? :help:
  12. cartman101

    skimmer not producing foam.

    oh ok, so theres nothing wrong with the skimmer? The collection cup is almost 1/2 way full with brown water
  13. cartman101

    Just why?!

  14. cartman101

    Just why?!

    well tomorrow school starts up again for me,a new school in a new state, where i dont know anyone :notsure: ! But tomorrows the day i get my eel! Why cant school school start next week???? Oh well, you guys will be on the boards having fun while i'm listening to bla bla bla being bored. I...
  15. cartman101

    who lives in missouri?

    right thats were i go! The one in branson YOU DONT wanna go there!!!! You think ***** is bad...... :scared:
  16. cartman101

    skimmer not producing foam.

    brown water
  17. cartman101

    dwarf moray

    i know they dont get big i will try and find you picture of them
  18. cartman101

    do anyone know your crabs good?

    i just look its not it. (it has a bright orange stripe on the claws)
  19. cartman101

    do anyone know your crabs good?

    yup, it looks like it. Are they bad??
  20. cartman101

    skimmer not producing foam.

    ok, its just producing wet foam is that good? And should there be water in the collection cup?