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  1. gmford1979

    **** is this!!?? help!!

    they are toxic once dead. take him out
  2. gmford1979

    lettuce nudibranch

    i have tried them twice. the first time, i bought one. within a week, my tank was covered in them. i don't know if the little terd was pregnant or what, but i had at least 20. i had to move shortly after that, and never saw them again. well about 2 months ago, i bought 2 more. haven't seen...
  3. gmford1979

    55 reef stocking???

    if you get an angel, you can't have corals. most of them pick at corals. and also, most corals aren't going to do good under those lights. thats the same light i used to have, and corals never lived. i upgraded to T5 and love it. here is my livestock in my 55. -small tang (i know, flame me)...
  4. gmford1979

    Super Skimmer now giving me headaches.

    i have tried all of the methods of Tyler's on that link. i have tried the defusers that you can buy for other things. i have tried to run it into a filter that is turned off. i have tried them all. all i can gather is that the Super Skimmer, Super Sucks. i wouldn't recommend it to anybody...
  5. gmford1979

    My own Blender Experiment

    well about 2 weeks ago i started a small frag tank. its just a 20 gallon long tank. i wanted to try it out first before i went all out with it. so i got some sand and water from my DT and put it in. it has been in there for 2 weeks. i guess i just wanted to make sure the levels were ok. well...
  6. gmford1979

    White coralline?

    has the rock been out of the water?
  7. gmford1979

    leather coral frag turns black!

    what size tank is that?
  8. gmford1979

    125 must sell

    Man, i wish you lived closer to me. that is a great deal. any way you would ship to me?
  9. gmford1979

    Frag Tank Light Question

    does an algae breakout not occur??
  10. gmford1979

    Frag Tank Light Question

    I am setting up a frag tank this afternoon. i know how to do everything i want in it, but my question is this: how long each day should i leave the lights on?
  11. gmford1979

    55 GAL Complete Setup in LOUISIANA

    when you part out, how much for rocks and filter?
  12. gmford1979

    Goby exchange - Fusigobius inframaculatus

    i wish i was closer. i loved mine, but my carpet ate him. he was messy at first, but once he sifted every inch of my tank, he calmed down. i love watching him though. sorry
  13. gmford1979

    Fair Prices for Ricordia????

    if you decide on selling them here, i want some as well. our local lfs doesn't keep them. they have to charge too much for them. on that big [hr] site, a guy is selling 50 ric's for $399, 10 for $99, and 15 for $114. all with shipping around $35 let me know though if you sell on here
  14. gmford1979

    Will a damsel be ok?

    As the president of the "No Damsel Club" i strongly recommend you not getting one. they are territorial, mean, and will kill your fish. i had a $3 three stripe that killed well over $200 worth of fish before i finally broke down my tank to get him out. i tried everything possible to get him...
  15. gmford1979

    Toodstool Leather

    mine does the same about once every two weeks. it will turn a greenish color and sag, then maybe two days later, it will be back standing tall and pretty. the greenish color kinda freaked me out at first, but its just part of it. and the powerheads aide him in the shedding.
  16. gmford1979

    Exclusive poker bonus really exclusive?

    Don't you just hate spammers? GO AWAY!!!!!!!!!!
  17. gmford1979

    found some live rock, can i use it?

    well, did you ever get a picture of the rock? i would like to see it. i'm with you though except, it would be in my tank, or me in jail.
  18. gmford1979

    carpet anemones question?

    i had a pretty big carpet, and he only moved one time. if he goes somewhere you don't want him, jut turn a powerhead on him. he will move. just beware. he will eat fish. i walked in one day and my fish were swimming around looking pretty. i walked out of the room and then back in and my...
  19. gmford1979

    75 Gallon Setup For Sale

    sounds like a great deal to me. if only i lived closer i would have already bought it. sorry for your problems
  20. gmford1979

    125gal. Acrylic REEF READY - NE Ohio

    i'll take it all if you will bring it to me. for real though....