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  1. rocketjockey

    Aiptasia and lemon Juice

    I am thinking about doing this but wont the lemon juice go around your tank and make things sick?
  2. rocketjockey

    what makes low pH?

    What does? I am battling to keep my pH up. It is staying at 7.8. I have dpne a bout 5 or 6 water changes.
  3. rocketjockey

    pH increaser. Is it good or bad?

    I tested my 24g reef tank and my ph tester said 7.8 ppm. I read that that it is a little low for my toadstool leather. I started to add something call "seachem Marine buffer". It says it will put your ph lv. at 8.3 from 1 day to a week. I was just wondering if this stuff is safe for my reef. I...
  4. rocketjockey

    Is this spawning Beahvior?

    I have a mated pair of maroon clowns in my 24g tank. I put in a 8in. diameter toaddstool leather in it and they are now hosting it. I have noticed the male ALWAYS cleaning the underside of the head of the leather. I have also seen the Female blowning bubbles. I will try to get a vid of this...
  5. rocketjockey

    My 24g AquaPod 6 months after starting!!!!

    Maited pair of maroon clownfish Spotted cardinal Oh, and this tank never went into a cycle. I used Liverock and Live sand from my 60g aqaurium. I added Xenia, and theose brown palys 3 days after starting with NEVER an ammonia spike. I have had the maroons for about a year now. They used to live...
  6. rocketjockey

    My 24g AquaPod 6 months after starting!!!!

    Here you are
  7. rocketjockey

    How do you care for a dragon?

    Originally Posted by YearOfTheNick Well, the best thing to do is give her jewelry - they like that. Also, if she wants to have your kids, run.
  8. rocketjockey

    How do you care for a dragon?

    A bearded Dragon that is. Any tips? Tricks? I alreday know evry thing there is to know about how to car for one but and tip or tricks?
  9. rocketjockey

    I have been tagged----Ask Me Anything

    Do you have a fish tank?
  10. rocketjockey

    You pick my last large coral!

    Originally Posted by Keri What other colours do you have in your tank? I have a blue clam, xenia (tan), star polyp frag (green), Red Montipora, Blue Acro, Brown Palys, Red Yuma, purple Candy cane.
  11. rocketjockey

    You pick my last large coral!

    I have a 24g AquaPod that has one more spot for a large coral. Here are the choices: (pics included of the actual item) A) Star Polyps B) Maze Brain C) Red Lobo D) Green Flower pot coral
  12. rocketjockey

    What are these called???

    Im talking about the rack that you put your frag plugs in.
  13. rocketjockey

    Calling all 3g pico owners who have replaced there bulb!

    I curenty have a 3g pico with an 18w 14000k PC bulb over it. I think it is getting dimmer so I want to replace the bulb. I have one question.....How in the world do I get the bulb out!?!
  14. rocketjockey

    2 questions

    1. I accedently froze my DT's live phtoplankton in the freezer for 2 days....I know they are dead now but will my corals still eat it? 2. Have a maited pair of maroon clownfish and they are really skinny. I feed them evry other day with frozen mysis shrimp. How can I make them not so skinny...
  15. rocketjockey

    Pics of my 24g AquaPod

    dos more
  16. rocketjockey

    Pics of my 24g AquaPod
