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  1. rocketjockey

    mandarin turning colors

  2. rocketjockey


    I by accadent put my DT's Phtoplankton on in the freezer. It was not in there long enough to freeze it completly but it was slushy. Did I kill them?
  3. rocketjockey

    Is this a good use for a coral banded srimp?

    I have flat worms in a high number in my 24 gallon AquaPod and I need to get rid of them. I can syphon them out because the tenp to hide in places I cant get to. I wanted to get somting pretty and some thing that would help my tank and those flat worms. So I was thinking of a coral banded srimp...
  4. rocketjockey

    Is the 48" 760W Metal Halide Aquarium Reef Light and good?

    Is it good for my 48" 60 gallon aquarium? Tof ind what I am looking for, try to google the following: 48" 760W Metal Halide Aquarium Reef Light
  5. rocketjockey

    My newst coral!

    My brown Paly
  6. rocketjockey

    What do you love, or

    The Air around only me (Not you)
  7. rocketjockey

    We where all newbs at one point

    Originally Posted by Cranberry We should all tell some of our noob stories..... +2
  8. rocketjockey

    We where all newbs at one point

    Originally Posted by Coral Keeper AGREED! Whats yours? +2
  9. rocketjockey

    Post before and after pics of your corals growth

    Title says it!!! Remember to say how long between pictures
  10. rocketjockey

    WTB: Clean up crew for 24g

    Originally Posted by NaNo-NeWb1983 Looking for snail, crap, and shimp. If anyone has anything please let me know what you got. Just need a basic clean up crew for my 24g nanocube Shipping will be to saginaw, Michigan 48603 Email me at: Let me get some from my tank that...
  11. rocketjockey

    SPS for sale

    Dibbs on the orange digita!!! what is your zip?
  12. rocketjockey

    Meet Nacho!!!!

    I got a spotted cardanel fish for my 24g AquaPod. I will get a pic of him soon when he is out and not shy.
  13. rocketjockey

    anyone have a squid?

    Someone correct me if im wrong but I think there used to be a member on here who found an octipus hithikerand kept it in there Large reef tank.
  14. rocketjockey

    WTB: Leathers/sps/zoa

    Originally Posted by zona322 sent you a pm look at all my posts zona Im not shure If I would be able to do that but I will find out. I let you know.
  15. rocketjockey

    What are you paying for gas now ?

    $1.94 here in VA!!!!!!!! I wish.
  16. rocketjockey

    WTB: Leathers/sps/zoa

    I will accept and of these for a cheap prcie. I will only buy if overngiht shipping is $15 and under to 20132 or local pickup and the price of the coral is $15 or below. Please post pics if you have some nice sutible corals or just post pics here and PM me. Thanxs for looking
  17. rocketjockey

    Can I do this????? (Please Read)

    We think my maroon clown is pregante so we got a 24 gallon AquaPod for the breeders tank. We where wondering if this is possible....If we can put live rock and live sand in the aquapod and put the parents in it as well. Is this possisble?
  18. rocketjockey

    Is my maroon pregnate?

  19. rocketjockey

    Will gorilla super glue work?

    I have gorilla super glue and I was wondering if it will work for fragging. It says it contains cyanoacrylate.
  20. rocketjockey

    Why wont my MH buibls light?????

    So Here is the story. About 8 months ago, we boght a 60 gallon reef that came with evrything and 3 fish. It also came with a lamb that is susspended from the seiling. It had 2 metal halid builbs, 2 florasences, and 6 moonlights. It was a noce lamp. We tried to get it working but nothing happend...