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  1. obarrera

    My dog hates my new fascination!!!

    Originally posted by hallk2342 Yeah I rinsed it out pretty good with some bleach and hot water. I got it as clean as I could. By the way, does anyone know why my fish keep dying?:thinking: :notsure: I wouldn't use that gas tank for my water tank,that could be the reason why you're fish are...
  2. obarrera

    question about Ls

    IMO there's is no need to buy live sand if you're going to have live rock. You can just buy some aragonite sand and it will become live with live rock.
  3. obarrera

    Are Vho's better than PC's?

    Originally posted by alison Hi, I decided to go Vho's and was all set to buy, then read that Vho's put out less light watt per watt than a power compact, by almost half! So what's better? I have 220 watts of pc's right now, but half went out yesterday, so I was going to up my lighting, not be...
  4. obarrera

    Blind Fish

    Originally posted by wmuwally Does anyone have a blind fish? I think that my coral beauty is blind in one eye. He misses food when trying to eat. Let me know if any of yo have experienced this. I haven't experienced this but I've heard other people posting about their fish beeing...
  5. obarrera

    Fridmani Pseudochromis

    Originally posted by Dominican My maroon clown swims like gangbusters! So does freud... Good! :D
  6. obarrera

    Fridmani Pseudochromis

    Another question,do they swim alot or do they just stay in one place like clownfish?
  7. obarrera

    2 gal nano

    I would go with the one SRT80 mentioned(the mini aqualight).
  8. obarrera

    Fridmani Pseudochromis

    Originally posted by Clown52 I have one with a Perc Clown and a Sailfin Tang, oh and some shrimp. He never bothers any of them. He is my favorite fish and I highly recomend one! (And you may want to erase that link.) Dope! I keep forgeting about the stupid
  9. obarrera

    Fridmani Pseudochromis

    Nice! Do they bother any of your fish?
  10. obarrera


    You guys would of been banned already if you were at --(reef central).:D
  11. obarrera

    Fridmani Pseudochromis

    Do you think this fish would be safe with shrimp? I had a sixline wrasse that killed 3 of my shrimps,so I definately don't want to have the same problem with the fridmani.Please let me know what you guys think? I have a 40g tank(not set up yet but I wanna plan before I set it up). BTW,please...
  12. obarrera


    I saw the Fridmani Pseudochromis and it looked so nice! Im definately going to try that fish. Thanks
  13. obarrera


    Originally posted by JacknJill well, youve pretty much vetoed everything we say so i dont know what to tell you Yes I know im not trying to be negative or anything but im just saying truth,I don't want to keep any fish that might start nipping at my corals or also an aggresive fish.I might...
  14. obarrera


    Originally posted by ClarkiiBoi This may be too late, but I have heard that firefish do better in pairs. I had 2 (not purple) and they mostly hovered in their limited area. If you want a fish that swims alot, these aren't them IMO. Yeah so looks like there's no fish that I really like. It...
  15. obarrera

    First Livestock Post.

    Originally posted by CBSHARK Hey obarrera, I have proof that you are wrong. I have a mated pair of Gold Striped Maroon clowns that have been hosting my condy for almost a year. They love it, and judging by the way the condy looks, it loves it also. Poop_heaD, I will e-mail you in a bit...
  16. obarrera

    First Livestock Post.

    Originally posted by Poop_heaD Hey CBSshark I have a question or two for you about the Condi anemones and clown fish. I just got my first anemone(a Condi) and I wish to get a pair of clown fish to host it so I would like some input as to which types of clowns you have had success with Condis...
  17. obarrera


    Originally posted by vibe ok well, this is a slightly agressive fish, but why not a neon dotty back? oooo how about a bangii cardinal? they are awsome, nonagressive, and are always out! that is my #1 suggestion, Bangii Cardinal, maybe even a small school... if not, you might wnat to think about...
  18. obarrera

    First Livestock Post.

    Originally posted by CBSHARK Why the LOL? I don't think that there are many anemones as beautiful as a condy. I've even had the urge to set up a tank full of condys and clowns. Good luck with the tank. Heteractis magnificas are way better.:) IMO.
  19. obarrera

    Fish playign around?

    Originally posted by pjdaley I have power heads on both sides of the tank, the one on the left, blows on teh back of some live rock and creates a current, over the rock, and the domino damsel and yellow tang, like to swim into it, but not really going anywhere, as do the clown fish on teh...
  20. obarrera

    Tap Water Question

    Originally posted by Fishcake But you could use amquel to knock out the copper etc.. No this won't get rid of all the bad things.:/