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  1. obarrera

    How much $ is in your NANO ?

    I think I have spent like $500(with discounts :D) on mine(not counting the fish/iverts that died) I lost like 3 fish(when I first started). And also lost 3 shrimps(2 cleaners, and 1 fire shrimp) that my damn sixline wrasse killed(I got rid of him).
  2. obarrera


  3. obarrera

    36" Tek Light: 4-39W in San diego

    New, 36" Tek Light: 4-39W T5 HO Fluorescents (silver) Manufacturer: Sunlight Supply Dimensions: 35" x 12" x 2.5" (L x W x H) It has 4 bulbs, 2 daylight, and 2 blue plus. I got it for like $345.00(BTW I still have the box). It is a very nice fixture, very bright, the only reason why I want to...
  4. obarrera


    Is there a forum to sell equipment in here?
  5. obarrera

    300g Mixed Reef Video

    Nice video!
  6. obarrera

    180g water changes?

    Alright thanks.
  7. obarrera

    emerald crab turning white!!?

    I've heard white is a sign of poor health, but I ain't sure so don't quote me on this. :notsure:
  8. obarrera

    180g water changes?

    For those of you who have a 180g tank, how often do you do water changes and how much water do you change? Thanks
  9. obarrera

    live sand

    Originally posted by Dmitry (had some fresh-water fish, but they didn't survive too long. So, naturally, I decided to up the bar and go with salt-water! :D ) Why did you go with saltwater if you couln't keep freshwater fish alive for long? Salwater fish will be alot harder to keep them...
  10. obarrera

    T5 or PC?

    Originally posted by Snipe lol so why even get them. I got mine cause they are bright and run cooler(like I said). And I really like MH(the shimmer effects) but the problem is the damn heat.
  11. obarrera

    T5 or PC?

    Originally posted by Snipe The T5 lights cost about the same or more than metal halides and are just not worth getting. lol. Originally posted by Bailey52 sounds good, these seems to basically be everyones opinion. That's there opinion because they don't even know anything about T5's.Anyway...
  12. obarrera

    If not MH lights then?

    It's funny when people say T5's don't compare to MH, they just judge T5's and they don't even know [hr] about them.haha
  13. obarrera

    If not MH lights then?

    T5's are the second best lights you can get.But they aren't so cheap, Almost the same as MH. Then VHO's and after that, PC's. Out of MH,T5's,PC's,and VHO's I would get the T5's, they run much cooler then MH and are very bright. You can go with the 48" Tek Light: 8-54W T5 HO Fluorescents, which...
  14. obarrera

    T5 or PC?

    When I bought my T5's I had the option to go with MH and I still went with T5's since they run much cooler, MH are too hot IMO(but they do look great though).
  15. obarrera

    Xenia not pulsing

  16. obarrera

    Xenia not pulsing

  17. obarrera

    Xenia not pulsing

    Originally posted by mudplayerx Xenia need iodine supplement. Get yourself an iodine test and some iodine supplement. Also, Xenia are extra sensitive to water chemistry so make sure you have no measurable amounts of ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and phosphate. I just started dosing iodine...
  18. obarrera

    Xenia not pulsing

    No I don't think that's the problem. But thanks for the idea.
  19. obarrera

    Xenia not pulsing

  20. obarrera

    Xenia not pulsing

    Anyone have any ideas why my xenia is not pulsing? I have the rea sea and silver strand kind of xenia. They just pulsed for like the first 2 days,and I've had them for about 4 months,they haven't pulsed since then. They do pulse a little but not like they should.:thinking: