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  1. tr1gger

    quarantine tank set up?

    It is a touch hidden, but i knew where it was. Because when i first came here I asked the same question and someone posted exactly what i gave you
  2. tr1gger

    Water bucket question

    If its just for ro/di water i would think you dont need a power head but i think i would anyways. It depends on how your maintenence is. This is how i would do it. Prepaired RO/DI water (Power Head(s) & Heater, Why not have it at temp.) Mixing Buckets or containers(Power Head(s) & Heater) As...
  3. tr1gger

    Dane Cook???

    Originally Posted by ruaround youre what... 14, 15 or 16... i would bet cash money 95% of his material goes right over your head...
  4. tr1gger

    quarantine tank set up? Post #2 and #3 Beth is amazing :)
  5. tr1gger

    Dane Cook???

    I respect Dane Cook in that he can fill a 10-20,000 seat arena on more than 1 occasion. He is a shock comic. I like em, but he is not my favorite. Every comic has a style and someone or several people they mirror themselves after. Watch his newest "isolated incodent" its a break down of some of...
  6. tr1gger

    My CADlight 22g Nano

  7. tr1gger

    My CADlight 22g Nano

    (old FTS) (on the move!)
  8. tr1gger

    125 AGA drillable?

    Im not a expert, but that doesnt sound like a good idea. wait for a few more people to wake up and im sure you will get a few more answers
  9. tr1gger

    zap super glue

    Oh wait you said glue a peice of monti back together
  10. tr1gger

    zap super glue

    Any gel super glue will do. i use this
  11. tr1gger

    125 AGA drillable?

    Im almost 99.9% sure that any panel of that tank can be drilled BESIDES the bottom. The bottom should be tempered and cannot be drilled.
  12. tr1gger

    My CADlight 22g Nano

    Trying to figure out if i wanna let them grow out on the plugs or mount them to the LR and just colonize naturally
  13. tr1gger

    ID question...

    Originally Posted by spanko Vermetid snails. Tisk Tisk
  14. tr1gger

    260 reef build!

    I wanna see you guys in those hats in every picture that has you in it. You have gone and done it now! LOL Congrats, Awesome tank thus far.
  15. tr1gger

    pics of my 55gal fish only tank

    IMHO i would get the LR first. Make sure its cured as not to cause a spike, Is that a penguin 400 ?
  16. tr1gger

    My CADlight 22g Nano

  17. tr1gger

    My CADlight 22g Nano

    quick pic, new stuff is in
  18. tr1gger

    TRASH PRODUCT ALERT ! ' Kick Ich ' ( false claims by manufacturer )

    Originally Posted by NigerBang Jeez... you are an upstanding person.. wishing death on people for trying to use a quick fix due to sloppy husbandry practices... Grow up +1
  19. tr1gger

    My CADlight 22g Nano

    These true Blue Hornets ?
  20. tr1gger

    My CADlight 22g Nano
