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  1. tr1gger

    Acropora12's 20 Gal. Nano Build.

    It looks good, sir. Will be watching this thread closely. Time to get moving on this project!
  2. tr1gger

    My CADlight 22g Nano

    No sad panda's in my thread
  3. tr1gger


    Originally Posted by NaNo-NeWb1983 here is what i use, and you can get a lowes, home depot, etc +1 These rock! I use them also
  4. tr1gger

    My CADlight 22g Nano

    Thanks to EVERYONE Lol, Srsly thanks though guys
  5. tr1gger

    Isnt it unbelievable that...

    Its just the way the world is. Good men and women die young.
  6. tr1gger

    Acropora12's 20 Gal. Nano Build.

    What is this term "Dial Up" ? Cant wait to see
  7. tr1gger

    My CADlight 22g Nano

    Originally Posted by nissan577 looks awsome bro! love the new zoas! Thank ya , Sir
  8. tr1gger

    Calling all Nano Reefers!! Got AIM?

    She is just afraid her fan club will come outta the wood work and she wont be able to handle all of her fans.
  9. tr1gger

    Nissan new 29 bio cube Diary

    Hell yeah man! I want to get the new VorTech MP10. But its still on preorder **Snap, page 56!**
  10. tr1gger

    How do I fix these cracks - Acrylic

    Its very possible it is from heat. I would say since its on the top of the tank, its really not bearing the load say the sides or bottom are. I think it should be ok structurally. Do you have any fans for those lights?
  11. tr1gger

    Calling all Nano Reefers!! Got AIM?

    Originally Posted by DeMartini You may catch me online... lulu2sexy4u I don't go on it much though because I don't care to talk to most of the people from high school lol so change it and only give it to reefers :facepalm:
  12. tr1gger

    My CADlight 22g Nano

  13. tr1gger

    NaNo-NeWb1983's 24g Nano Cube thread!!

    Looking Freaking Excellent!
  14. tr1gger

    My CADlight 22g Nano

    I knew this was a good buy. All i could see was the mouth at the store. i took the chance just seeing a bright green mouth.
  15. tr1gger

    My CADlight 22g Nano

    Little by little, lol
  16. tr1gger

    My CADlight 22g Nano

    Any clue what these guys MIGHT be? Im clueless, the LFS just said... "oh, they are zoa's, Duh....." Im like yeah...... lmao
  17. tr1gger

    My CADlight 22g Nano

    Starting to open up!
  18. tr1gger

    Small, Cheap, Reliable RO unit.

    Filter Guys
  19. tr1gger

    My CADlight 22g Nano

    Jay you got a PM on the club site. And thanks, Sir!
  20. tr1gger

    How do I fix these cracks - Acrylic

    I wouldnt really say those are "Cracks" but more stress fractures. Im unsure if that would comprimise the strength of the tank. How did they get there or did you buy it like that?