Search results

  1. tr1gger

    i want something... unique

    Try this list of reef safe fishAnthiasBassletsBlennies (excluding fang blennies, a few species will nip at polyps and giant clam mantles)Cardinalfish Chromis Clownfish (sometimes excluding the maroon clown which can grow very aggressive and territorial) Damsels (sometimes excluding larger, more...
  2. tr1gger

    playing around with photoshop lightroom 2

    Very nice filtering and auto levels
  3. tr1gger

    i want something... unique

    Indeed, they run wild at night though under the lunars
  4. tr1gger

    i want something... unique

    Purple reef lobster, people love to see mine
  5. tr1gger

    565 plumbing issue

    I will admit you have amazing horizontal covereage for that tank, i just dont think your vertical "legs" being what looks like 2x4's is gonna be pretty
  6. tr1gger

    i want something... unique

    a 75g DT with a 75d Sump would sure make me say woah
  7. tr1gger

    565 plumbing issue

    Im guessing its a 565 gallon tank? If so your looking at over 4500 lbs of JUST water, not including sand ( 1lb or more per gallon) or any live rock that maybe used (1-1.5lbs per gallon)
  8. tr1gger

    565 plumbing issue

    Just a lil off topic, that stand doesnt look like it will hold that tank up when its full
  9. tr1gger

    W.T.T. want to trade

    Bump for a great seller and some great coral. I have seen all these first hand. Grade A stuff
  10. tr1gger


    You have to have "X" amount of posts to sell anything
  11. tr1gger

    Did I get a Deal ?

    Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy if mine had them that price id be stocked up! +1 My LFS is kinda pricey at times
  12. tr1gger

    Did I get a Deal ?

    One of them does have 2 "mouths"
  13. tr1gger

    Did I get a Deal ?

    Both of these for $30 at my LFS
  14. tr1gger

    Dosing Dosing Dosing

    Originally Posted by globaldesigns Dosing is dependant on what you are doing. And when dosing you should have all testing kits to make sure parameters are correct. I does the following: - trace elements - Strontium - Magnesium - Calcium - Potassium - Complete Zeovit system, minus the reactor...
  15. tr1gger

    9/11... what were you doing?

    I was a senior in HS and i was ditching school and out fishing
  16. tr1gger

    Selln it all

    PM sent
  17. tr1gger

    Selln it all
  18. tr1gger

    Dosing Dosing Dosing

    I read that you should dose daily/weekly but to may risk overdosing and doing more harm than good. I read that you should just do your water changes weekly or bi-weekly and that will keep levels were they need to be. Any tips, suggestions or insight on this? Any Personal suggestions or experiences?
  19. tr1gger

    Pagoda Corals

    It has since come out in full bloom
  20. tr1gger

    WTB Suncoral

    Originally Posted by tlarkin A lfs had some nice pieces for $40 last time I was there. Pm me if you want the name, its not far from the IL/IN border. Sent you a PM