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  1. kevin34

    How Often Do Jawfish Feed?

    I have a tiger jawfish in QT that went through a rough shipment. I got it to eat mysis and brine everyday I have had it so far (since the 24th). I never eats much but it does eat except for today. They arnt a very active fish so is it normal for them to not eat everyday? Also he doesnt go after...
  2. kevin34

    Holidays past so what did you get for the tank?!?

    Originally Posted by Kevin34 gift certificate to lfs. going today they didnt have anything there under $100. they did have a titan trigger though. that was a surprise. first time seeing one in person. it was a monster
  3. kevin34

    Holidays past so what did you get for the tank?!?

    gift certificate to lfs. going today
  4. kevin34

    2008 Photo Contest Instructions

    voting for group 7 was supposed to end yesterday. and group 8 hasnt even started yet
  5. kevin34

    Falco Hawkfish

    Anyone have any info/experience with this fish? Reef safe? aggression? Would it be ok with this stocklist? sixline 2 true percs tiger jawfish falco copperband butterfly flame angel lieutenant tang blue throat or sargassum trigger added in that order. tank is a 125 reef
  6. kevin34

    FedEx Has RUINED My Holiday!

    Originally Posted by SrgVigil The box would say something along the lines of live animals inside wouldn't it? yup. boxes said LIVE TROPICAL FISH on every side of it but the guy couldnt stay out another 10 minutes to deliver it but oh well. got a refund for the coral and the jawfish looks fine...
  7. kevin34


    MOD EDIT: selling of non saltwater goods is not allowed on this site, all saltwater goods must be sold on
  8. kevin34

    FedEx Has RUINED My Holiday!

    jawfish looks great. talk about a christmas miracle. I dont think the foxface my friend got is doing as good though unfortunately
  9. kevin34

    Foxface help

  10. kevin34

    What did you get for Christmas?

    ipod touch, band of brothers dvd set, and reef crystals also a 100 gift certificate to one of the lfs around here
  11. kevin34

    a christmas story

    no ones mentioned Randy's piggy scene or "I cant put my arms down!!!"
  12. kevin34

    1hat are the must see fish stores while in MASS

    i dont think there are any must see stores up here haha
  13. kevin34

    FedEx Has RUINED My Holiday!

    Originally Posted by sharkbait9 No one even acknowledge SWF . That’s pretty cool for them to come on here and make sure its not one of us, I’ll give them credit for that. Thats great business in my book. Good job Someone already said it but don't give up on it. They are pretty hardy. I just...
  14. kevin34

    how do you know if an acro is dead?

    Originally Posted by nycbob give it a shot and place it in the water. a dead acro wont contaminate ur water too bad at all, since there is no tissue to decay. its in there now. If I were to frag a different acro and glue that frag to this one, will the new frag eventually encrust this ones...
  15. kevin34

    Bear Grylls from "Man vs. Wild"

  16. kevin34

    how do you know if an acro is dead?

    ya the company already refunded it. I wasnt expecting people to say it was gonna pull through. Just wanted to make sure though. And yes it is pure white. supposed to be dark blue.
  17. kevin34

    Bad parents this is MEAN

    wow...thats awful...if i were to ever to a trick like that I would hide the real present in a different box so they actually get it later when they dont expect it. but that was awful. poor kid. parents found it hilareous though
  18. kevin34

    FedEx Has RUINED My Holiday!

    Originally Posted by stdreb27 stick it in a qt tank and see if it comes back. I got it on a frag rack now. Store already gave me a refund for it. Its pure white but you can still see the blue spots where the polyps are.
  19. kevin34

    how do you know if an acro is dead?

    got a miami ochid frag and the shipment was delayed. came in today and its pure white. the water smelled HORRIBLE but it didnt smell of decay. it was that normal acro scent but it was 10X stronger than normal. The frag is all white but you can still see where the blue polyps would have been. Its...
  20. kevin34

    FedEx Has RUINED My Holiday!

    wow. jawfish actually ate a couple mysis shrimp. If he lives this would be incredible.