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  1. kevin34

    My new Bellus ~ male

    awesome tank what are the dimesions?
  2. kevin34

    Need Your Suggestions

    Ok I think I have made up my mind. Midas blenny Lieutenant tang Male blue throat trigger MAYBE an angel This will also be the order I add them in. Anyone think the blenny and jawfish will fight?
  3. kevin34

    Attentions All Dwarf Angel Owners

    Originally Posted by AquaKnight That is a bit incorrect. I had that Potter's for about 2 months. 1 month in QT and doing great, the 2nd month he was added to my display and never really adjusted. I actually had 2, I tried to make a pair out of. The big one was the one that lasted 2 months, the...
  4. kevin34

    2008 Photo Contest Instructions

    Originally Posted by CoralJunkie I was told that they would not be issuing credits until all the contests were complete? doesnt look like that will happen anytime soon
  5. kevin34

    Attentions All Dwarf Angel Owners

    Originally Posted by AquaKnight We have a Whitetailed Pygmy (Centropyge flavicauda) in a reef. Nicknamed "Full Throttle" as he loves zooming around the tank. Going a bit over a year, no problems. I had a Potter's in my 125 for about a month and he never touched anything. Agreed with what KJR...
  6. kevin34

    Attentions All Dwarf Angel Owners

    Thanks for the info everyone. Wolf Man I am just outside springfield near the CT border Right now the flame and potters are my favorite. How difficult are the potters to keep? Whats difficult about them?
  7. kevin34

    Attentions All Dwarf Angel Owners

    Originally Posted by Anonome I have a coral beauty that I have owned since 2004. I got it off of E..., the auction house. I have a 125g reef tank with many, many corals, including crocea clams. Honestly, this fish has been great, only seems to pick at my kenya tree.....I don't really care about...
  8. kevin34

    Attentions All Dwarf Angel Owners

    I am trying to figure out which dwarf angel to get so I want to know everyones experience who has kept one in a REEF. please reef experiences only. please list the type of angel it was and if it picked at your corals. also its temperment would be great. My tank is a 125 reef and stocklist is...
  9. kevin34

    Need Your Suggestions

    whats everyones experience with sailfins in a 125? the red sea sailfin to be exact. would one of those show any aggression towards a lieutenant if the sailfin is in there first? do red sea sailfins eat hair algea?
  10. kevin34

    Need Your Suggestions

    after doing some reading I think I will add a cherub angel to the list and keep the male blue throat trigger. still would like to fill the leopard's and copperbands spots though. Maybe one more tang. What is the most peaceful tang that isnt the same genus as the lieutenant and isnt over $80?
  11. kevin34

    New Zoas

    Originally Posted by CoralJunkie Kevin Why are your pics so blue? its my camera. the only one I have that can zoom in is a JCV camcorder haha. the only thing it can take pics of and get accurate color on is my acan.
  12. kevin34

    Need Your Suggestions

    I dont know if I want to start adding tangs right after the jawfish though. the jawfish is in QT now and has 2 weeks to go. I def dont want to add the lieutenant as my first tang and have heard koles are very aggressive towards other tangs added after it.
  13. kevin34

    Need Your Suggestions

    Stocklist/wishlist sixline wrasse true percs tiger jawfish leopard wrasse copperband butterfly dwarf angel of somekind lieutenant tang male bluethroat or sargassum trigger tank is a 125 reef Well I have decided to make some changes in my stocklist. Scratching the copperband and leopard wrasse. I...
  14. kevin34

    New Zoas

    legions of evil
  15. kevin34

    Post your favorite acans...

    I got dibs on a frag in the first pic! haha here is my only acan. really need to add to the collection
  16. kevin34


    house...there really is no comparison
  17. kevin34

    My Youtube Debut

    Wow... That was.... Ummm .... Somethin
  18. kevin34

    Purple Zoa Hitchiker

    if they are jokers...thats one great hitch hiker haha
  19. kevin34

    Purple Zoa Hitchiker

    look like jokers but the skirts are too light
  20. kevin34

    Leopard Wrasse

    bump. i really want to hear peoples opinions on one with a sixline. i have heard half so no and half so they will be fine in a 125.