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  1. kevin34

    2008 Photo Contest Instructions

    Originally Posted by timbodmb Is it against the rules to create fake accounts and then vote on your own photo? Apparently people need to do that to get votes... Shouldn't be allowed, they should be disqualified. +1!
  2. kevin34

    125g stock list questions???

    triggers, a couple dwarf angels, maybe a group and anthias
  3. kevin34

    Finally got a good one

    can you get some closeups of some of your acans???
  4. kevin34

    crazy looking awesome trigger

    I think the coolest trigger I have seen is a titan trigger. I saw one at my lfs. those are deffinately better left in the ocean. it was about 6 inches long and the employee there said it killed every other fish in the tank with it and even attacked his hand while he was cleaning it. He clearly...
  5. kevin34

    New Creature In Tank!!! Please Help

    is it a red zoa? a pic would be great
  6. kevin34

    125g stock list questions???

    ya IMO thats too many. remember a 125 is the minumum for tangs. I wouldnt do more than 2 large tangs. I wouldnt go any larger than the hippo. Maybe the hippo and one yellow tang and you might be able to get the powder blue too if the rest of your stocklist is light. Stay away from 2 yellows...
  7. kevin34

    i like rusty spoons...

    salad fingers is soooooo weird...haha
  8. kevin34

    Home made fish food.

    clam, mysis, brine, and garlic. store didnt have much so I only picked up the clams.
  9. kevin34

    Home made fish food.

    picked up some live clams today but how do I open them? these things are shut tight.
  10. kevin34

    Leopard Wrasse

    anyone else have any info on these? or experience with them and a sixline?
  11. kevin34

    Home made fish food.

    Originally Posted by grubsnaek just wondering if someone can shoot me the link to beths recipe.... I was looking for the same thing. havnt been able to find it.
  12. kevin34

    Blasto Appreciation Thread

    Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici Here is a pic of mine,its from last year.You should see them nowI actually have 2 tiny heads that are floating around in my tank,one day ill have to grab um and attach them to rock.
  13. kevin34

    Leopard Wrasse

    Originally Posted by -Tara33- the leopard wrasse almost always has intestinal worms, the supplier i get them from always warns me to worm them before selling as it is very well known that they carry worms, but you can take the chance, they are a beautiful fish! how do you treat for worms?
  14. kevin34

    Nina&Noah!!! Aerogarden question

    we are growing tomatos in our aerogarden now. they just started to sprout.
  15. kevin34

    Leopard Wrasse

  16. kevin34

    Ghost Adventures

    had another encounter with that spirit I was talking about tonight. Saw the shadow walk by in the hallway again and tonight it actually came in the room and was standing next to us. We were listening to the song "Ten Years Gone" by Led Zeppelin. The song was released in 1975 and the guy died...
  17. kevin34

    acan question for the experienced

    Originally Posted by 05xrunner for that many heads $100 isnt a bad price +1. for regular aussie acans usually about $10 a head is a good price. the rarer ones are usually $20-$30 a head
  18. kevin34

    acan question for the experienced

    my lfs sells acan frags the size of my thumbnail for $100
  19. kevin34

    Leopard Wrasse

    Originally Posted by MX#28 I've seen good things with MAC certified leopard wrasses as far as shipping and arriving healthy. However, I do think the sixline will be a problem - when I tried that combo (also with a seemingly nice sixline), I watched the sixline kill a healthy leopard wrasse the...
  20. kevin34

    Leopard Wrasse

    I am looking for one more fish to add to my stocklist before I get into the larger and more difficult fish on my wishlist. So far I have a sixline, 2 true percs, and a tiger jawfish (in QT). I plan on getting a copperband butterfly, dwarf angel of some kind, lieutenant tang and either a male...