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  1. kevin34

    Best Phosphate Remover

    how long does one ROWAphos pad last?
  2. kevin34

    Do I have a problem?

    ALK was in the "normal" range of based on the test kit. around 2.2
  3. kevin34

    Best Phosphate Remover

    i dont feed flake food and have cheato in my sump but I will get come more. I will also try one of the pads. thanks
  4. kevin34

    Best Phosphate Remover

    What is the best method to remove phosphates? I tested mine and they are at .1 and I have a bit of a hair algea problem that I would like to take care of before it gets out of hand. Do people have luck with the phosphate pads? phosban reactor?
  5. kevin34

    hmmm..are these PE?

    they just look like generic people eaters to me. The true red people eaters are very red and the true greens are very green. very nice pick up
  6. kevin34

    Do I have a problem?

    test kit is API. I'll check the ALK tomorrow. I do not dose the tank with anything and use reef crystals.
  7. kevin34

    Do I have a problem?

    I was testing my calcium because I am going to be getting a clam soon and it read 520. I know thats high but all my corals and fish are perfectly healthy and growing fine.
  8. kevin34

    Just picked up my 450 gallon!!

    Originally Posted by crimzy I already posted this video in another thread but, just so this is a fairly complete record of this tank... great song choice haha wheres the idol on all those recent pics?
  9. kevin34

    Powder Brown Tang and Cooperband Butterfly

    copperbands are very passive and delicate fish. putting it in an aggressive tank may not have been the best move. good luck though. try feeding it live clams. crack open the shell and let him pick it them.
  10. kevin34

    Post your favorite acans...

    Originally Posted by afboundguy I prob won't end up fragging it anytime soon I wanna wait till it gets bigger. Just saw that you're from MA, where abouts? Also do you belong to any local forums? I am just outside sprinfield MA. I am a member of CTARS. (ct area reef society)
  11. kevin34

    General Sixline Behavior

    I have a sixline in my tank and it is a very passive, relaxed fish. I think I got lucky though. A lot of people say they are very territorial. I also have MH lighting and I have a canopy over my tank. no heat issues. I have one fan blowing in and one out and the tank stays at 79-80 degrees. def...
  12. kevin34

    I'm getting a 750 gal...need ideas!

    any updates?
  13. kevin34

    Most interesting Fish/invert you've seen in a store.

    titan to see one in person but sad to see it in a store.
  14. kevin34


    are firefish safe with clams?
  15. kevin34


    anyone think a firefish and a purple firefish would be ok in the same tank? my tank is a 125 but I would probably order them together which means they would be in QT togther in a 20g.
  16. kevin34

    Copperbanded and Clams ????

    i have heard they are usually a problem with clams.
  17. kevin34

    Best Plankton???

    I am looking for the best plankton to dose my tank with to help my corals and clam which I plan on getting soon. Is marinesnow any good? what about the stuff made by Reef Nutrition like Phyto Feast?
  18. kevin34

    Attentions All Dwarf Angel Owners

    thanks for all the feedback everyone. I think I am going to pass on an angel though and get 2 tangs.
  19. kevin34

    Looking Into Getting A Clam: Need Some Pointers

    Originally Posted by jackri I'm not sure on the trigger to be honest. Your lighting is fine... and where to place him is preference. I have 2 clams in the sand and 1 on the rock work that used to be in the sand but there's no room due to the frags I have in plugs in the sand now (really need a...
  20. kevin34

    Looking Into Getting A Clam: Need Some Pointers

    well after deciding to scratch the copperband butterfly and angel from my stocklist I realized it would be safe to get a clam. I really like the maximas the best. Do they have any special needs? Are they completely photosythetic or do they need to be spot fed too? How big do the maximas get and...