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  1. kevin34

    Bellus Angel

    How difficult are these to care for? do they have any special needs? Anthything different from other angels? If I invest in one I want to make sure I can keep it alive.
  2. kevin34


    I am soooo happy its friday! i would switch patrick keeler of the raconteurs so i can know what it feels like to be behind his drums and on stage with jack white.
  3. kevin34

    Good Wavemaker????

    I just wanted to add a little more movement to my water that was different from just adding another powerhead. If wavemakers cause stress then I wont bother with one. maybe hooking another powerhead up to a timer to make a surge would work? tank is a 125 i have 2 koralia 3's, a koralia 2, and a...
  4. kevin34

    Good Wavemaker????

    anyone know of a good and reliable wavemaker out there? I thought it would be cool to add one to my tank.
  5. kevin34

    DeMartini's ADA Reef

    Man I wish we could trade your corals are some of the nicest I have seen shipping prices from MA to CA would cost a fortune though. it would have to be a big trade and I dont have anything worthy of your tank
  6. kevin34

    My Quail and Pheasant pen diary.

    thats really cool. the first pic of the duck doesnt look real at all. haha. they look expensive too. are they?
  7. kevin34

    yeah boy , my wartskin.

    thats awesome i wish your shrimp the best of luck haha
  8. kevin34

    Okay...Scotts tagged me, so here we go!

    Originally Posted by alyssia Nope, and I don't wanna, cuz I don't like hot/spicy foods. Have you? yes. today haha. kinda regret it...
  9. kevin34

    Okay...Scotts tagged me, so here we go!

    you ever take a bite out of a fresh jalepeno pepper?
  10. kevin34


    everyone that told me to get a group said 3 females. what would be wrong with 2? is there a reason you decided to add a 3rd female? I really want to make sure there is room in my tank for the 2 tangs I am getting after the anthias are in. stocklist is sixline 2 true percs jawfish the anthias (3...
  11. kevin34


    Originally Posted by Stanlalee the female that was already there loss the fight and went to last on the heirchy but they all chilled out. the male helps there since he's ruling them all. if a male see's two females fighting he will come over and chase them both to keep dominance. well that...
  12. kevin34

    I Need A Quick Answer!

    Originally Posted by funkysean5 BTW... don't drip acclimate coral, light acclimate it in a bag in the tank. +1. just float them for about 15 minutes and then place them at the bottom of the tank. always drip fish and inverts though
  13. kevin34

    Start of one "BIG" SPS tank

    Originally Posted by goodwin9 It's doing well, holding it's own. do you have a recent pic?
  14. kevin34

    Help!! Whats this fish called?

    ruby head fairy wrasse
  15. kevin34


    The male I wanted to get was the maldives lyretail. Would the females also have to be from maldives? or can they be from anywhere. I noticed the maldives lyretail has different coloration.
  16. kevin34


    thanks a lot. Did the 3rd female you add get killed by the others? or did they eventually relax? just wondering. I will get all 3 females at once though. I am just worried about how 3 of them would be in a 20g QT for 4 weeks. I know how much they need to eat. I would imagine I would have to do a...
  17. kevin34


    125. only other larger fish going in are going to be a lieutenant tang and a purple tang
  18. kevin34


    I want to get a group of lyretail anthias but dont want to spend all that money at one time. I was planning on getting the male first and then getting 3 females in groups of 2 and 1. I dont want to QT 3 fish at once in my small 20g. Would this be ok adding the females at different times?
  19. kevin34

    Looking for a centerpiece fish

    What about a small school of lyretail anthias? 1 male and 2 females?
  20. kevin34

    Knife Roulette...

    Criss Angel does that. but doesnt hit the knife haha