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  1. kevin34

    who runs a calcium reactor?

    ya i just want one for the 55g aquaculturing tank i plan on setting up at the end of the summer.
  2. kevin34

    who runs a calcium reactor?

    thanks for that info. anyone know what the best thing to fill a reactor with is? and does your tank need to have a very low pH in order for the reactor to work?
  3. kevin34

    who runs a calcium reactor?

    I was wondering if anyone could tell me about these? all i know is that they maintain calcium levels. how exactly do they work? and are there any downsides to them?
  4. kevin34

    hey everyone. its been a while. need some opinions

    haha i spent sooooo much on those lights and went through sooooo much crap to get them wired and working. theyre going over that 55 haha. they are a retro fit so would you reccommend hanging them? or building some kind of frame to hold them up. does it matter? i dont have a canopy for the 55
  5. kevin34

    hey everyone. its been a while. need some opinions

    oh ya like a ball valve right? and how will I know if the flow is too much? will the overflow box overflow?
  6. kevin34

    hey everyone. its been a while. need some opinions

    anyone else have thoughts on the mag18? Would I have to go with a 1500gph overflow and two returns?
  7. kevin34

    hey everyone. its been a while. need some opinions

    im really trying to spend as little money as possible on this. since I already have a mag18 on the 125 I was hoping just to use that.
  8. kevin34

    Australian Acanthastrea Lordhowensis??

    i have my acans on the sandbed. thats where i always see them in other tanks too.
  9. kevin34

    hey everyone. its been a while. need some opinions

    hey guys. havnt been on here a in a looooong time. still got the 125 with only 4 fish haha. I have been very busy, short on money, and will be gone basically all summer so all that has kinda added to losing interest in my tank. However I am still interested in corals. What i am thinking of doing...
  10. kevin34

    i cant make up my mind.

    french IV?!?!? good luck haha. it was a miracle I passed french III. i got lucky my teacher was from senegal and didnt know the grading system haha
  11. kevin34

    Calling All Led Zeppelin Fans And/Or Drummers

    ya i love good times bad times. i just gotta get a hang of the bass drum in it. its getting there though.
  12. kevin34

    Calling All Led Zeppelin Fans And/Or Drummers

    Originally Posted by usirchchris It's kashmir.... Great guitar riff in this song, but as a drum solo alone this would drag out imo. ive never been a big fan of kashmir. yes great song but probably my least favorite song by zeppelin.
  13. kevin34

    Calling All Led Zeppelin Fans And/Or Drummers

    they want you to submit anything that shows your style. can be a cover can be original doesnt really matter. for me good times bad times is the most challenging just because that bass drum in that song is insane. I have every part down in the ocean and four sticks. right now i think im leaning...
  14. kevin34

    Calling All Led Zeppelin Fans And/Or Drummers

    I need your opinion. I am applying for a scholarship to a week long percussion festival at Berklee College of Music. They require you to record one song that best shows off your style and led zeppelin is my style. between these zeppelin songs which drum beats are you all most impressed with. I...
  15. kevin34

    Now this is what youtube is for! This made my day!

    dude...future superbowl commercial...i can see it now haha. that was awesome
  16. kevin34

    My weight loss journal

    you ever hear of taking apple cidar vinegar shots? its one of the healthiest things a person can take and they say it helps with weight loss. fill a shot glass with 2 teaspoons of apple cidar vinegar, 2 teaspoons of honey and the rest water. i take one 2-3 times a day just because of everything...
  17. kevin34

    Post your favorite acans...

    Originally Posted by afboundguy Here's some updated and better pics... love the one in the last pic
  18. kevin34

    Is This A Problem?

    thanks beth. that is what it looks like but i dont know what could cause this. I dont have an anemone. could an acropora cause this?
  19. kevin34

    Need Anemone Info

    I really want to get a bubble tip for my true percs. preferably a rose bubble tip. Anything special I should know about these? I never really looked into their care too much. I know they need to be spot fed and need high lighting but thats about it. I have 2 250w MH lights over my tank so I...
  20. kevin34

    Is This A Problem?

    I noticed 2 black spots on my true perc yesterday. one on his side and one on his tail. He is eating fine, swimming fine, and breathing fine. everything else in my tank is also perfectly healthy. its a bad pic its the best I can get. you can see the spots.