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  1. kevin34

    What coral dip to get?

    Originally Posted by Tizzo It depends on what your dipping and what your dipping for... For me, I dip everything in Flatworm exit... But softies get dipped in iodine or tropic marin Pro coral cure, as it helps bacterial infections. Acros all get dipped in an interceptor for 8 hours, as it...
  2. kevin34

    Setting Up a new tank

    Some of the rock. Probably not the sand. But what results have people gotten when doing this? Any spikes or algea breakouts?
  3. kevin34

    Setting Up a new tank

    I want to downsize from a 125g reef to a 55g frag tank at the end of the summer and was wondering if I can just use water from my 125 to fill the 55. like 30g from the 125 and 20 being new saltwater.
  4. kevin34

    Frag Tank Layout

    different corals need different light intensities. SPS on the highest level, zoas and softies on the middle level and LPS on the bottom
  5. kevin34

    HowardJ's Random Picture Thread

    nice pics. what kind of camera you using?
  6. kevin34

    please id this acropora

    looks a little like the ORA chips acro
  7. kevin34

    Frag Tank Layout

    Originally Posted by GRabbitt I had the same 3 level setup with my 40 gal. frag tank. I cut out the egg crates to fit the tank and bought a long piece of pvc pipe to chop down the different lengths. In addition to that, I notched each of the pipes in 4 spots so the egg crate would sit safely on...
  8. kevin34

    Frag Tank Layout

    I am planning on setting up a 55g frag tank at the end of the summer and trying to think of the best way to layout the shelves. I dont think I want the eggcrage to be snug against the glass because then the snails wont be able to clean much. but if I can somehow make the shelves moveable then I...
  9. kevin34

    Price check on purple/blue hornets

    i know of a site selling purple hornets at $100 a polyp. most hobbyists i see selling them though price them at about $100-$150 for 3 polyps or so.
  10. kevin34

    My new addition (pink Nebulas)

    those are sweeeeet. any new growth since these pics?
  11. kevin34

    Whats your Favorite Zoa?

    Originally Posted by DeMartini Here are my favorites from my collection.... Sunny D. The zoas on the left.... They almost melted away last week, but luckily 3 polyps survived =( what are those on the left of the second pic?
  12. kevin34

    Which FISH to choose

    based on my knowledge the only thing that is guarenteed to eat hair algea is a sea hare. other than that its hit or miss. they only eat it if they want to. problem with a sea hare is that if they die they can kill everything else in the tank and that isnt worth it in my opinion. i would try and...
  13. kevin34

    30 gallon sump

    i am researching the same thing. have a 55g i want to make a frag tank but it isnt drilled and I want a fuge. an HOB overflow is the way to go. then just hook up some PVC to the return pump all the way back up to the tank for the return.
  14. kevin34

    hey everyone. its been a while. need some opinions

    Originally Posted by windlasher put a ball valve on the return line and adjust until the level is where you want it. it wont hurt the pump at all. good idea. thanks
  15. kevin34

    hey everyone. its been a while. need some opinions

    ok what about this...the mag18 with a 1200gph overflow and a megaflow model 4 sump. thats what im running on the 125 and i dont see how it could be a problem on the 55. i'll just need fewer powerheads. right?
  16. kevin34

    Coral Keepers 180 gallon reef diary.

    thank you! now i dont have to drill my tank haha
  17. kevin34

    Coral Keepers 180 gallon reef diary.

    so its just PVC connected to a return pump? and what model is the HOB overflow box?
  18. kevin34

    Coral Keepers 180 gallon reef diary.

    Originally Posted by Coral Keeper Yup. Nope, its not drilled. Was too scared to drill it as the tank is a one of a kind. Its actually working VERY well, doesn't flood or anything if the power goes out or if the over flow clogs. This is all good news to me cuz I don't want to drill the 55g I...
  19. kevin34

    Coral Keepers 180 gallon reef diary.

    Originally Posted by Coral Keeper Here are a few pictures of the tank and me! Me cleaning the inside of the tank. 1,072 watts of pure AWESOMENESS!! The HOB overflow. And yes, I'm 15 years old and I'm going to be 16 in May. :P HOB overflow eh? so the tank isnt drilled? how is this working...
  20. kevin34

    who runs a calcium reactor?

    thanks for the info