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  1. hhands361

    Picures of my Nano

    To anyone who has a nano! I have a question. Mine has been cycled for a month now. When can i start to add corals. I want to have a colony of cleaner shrimp. Right now haha i onely have one baby one, but they have another at the lfs thats also a baby. When can i advance and start buying corals?
  2. hhands361

    My Mushroom is shrinking

    for my shrooms i feed them by giving them little brine shrimp near their mouth and they just push it in and eat it.
  3. hhands361

    Poll for good advice: What and how often do you feed Anenomes???

    I have an LTA and i feed it twice or three times a week. I soak frozen clam in zoe, a kent product that enhaces the foods vitamins and protein, and feed it that. Also, sometimes, freeze dried krill or i squirt some brine near its tentacles and it grabs some. Its extremely healthy and i suggest...
  4. hhands361

    before and after pics of new reef tank!!

    if you don't know what a frag is, it is a cut of removed smaller piece of coral. For example, im sure lebowski has a large piece of colt coral, and when it gets that big, you can take a extra sharp knife and cut a small piece off, and this piece will become its own living coral. That is a frag.
  5. hhands361

    Help with Brain

    nice coral! i love it but im realy worried! Mines much smaller like 5 inches at longest points. I hope it gets better, because its nighttime and the lights are off and its still shrunken. Help!
  6. hhands361

    Help with Brain

    it is an open brain coral. Its now been two days and its been like shrunk.
  7. hhands361

    can i add all these?

    CBS's are all different. One will be friendly and kind, and the next will find a goby for lunch. I agree with stevo. 38 is a heck of a lot closer than 125
  8. hhands361

    can i add all these?

    CBS's are known to sometimes be kinda of agressive. I have one and its not exactly friendly, but it would never harm any of my fish. IMO i wouldn't add two CBS's to a 38 that already has a cleaner, might cause some agression.
  9. hhands361

    Help with Brain

    This may sound stupid but what are dt's? Everyone always abbreviates them and i don't know what they are. :confused:
  10. hhands361

    more eye candy

    nice pics. how much doees an elephant ear cost.
  11. hhands361

    Help with Brain

    mullet i was thinking that maybe it was getting too much light. At the lfs they had it under 3 wpg and it was thriving and i moved it to 5 wpg.
  12. hhands361


    ooh why are the nitries so high! that is poisonous to the fish! Are there any other signs of things going wrong in the tank? Also your nitrates are too high. It looks like in that pic that some green stuff grew on the polyp rock. All i can say is your params are not good.
  13. hhands361

    Help with Brain

    I just got a brain coral two days ago, and i put it in the tank and everything was fine. It was fine the next day, and it opened up to regular size. This morning it was fine, but i came to see it at lunch and it had shrivled back to the way it looked when i first got it. Im curious that it might...
  14. hhands361

    Please ID this coral:)

    No your ricordia might have split. This happend to me as in a saw some different activity in my striped shroom, and before i new it i had a new baby one sitting against the rock on teh gravel.
  15. hhands361

    Cycled Nano

  16. hhands361

    calcium overload

    from what i heard, mushrooms do not need a lot of calcium, and if you only have a few, the salt you use might have enough calcium
  17. hhands361

    Whats your favorite type of fish?

    coral beauty! Mine has the richest colors i have ever seen in an animal. I could stare at it for hours.
  18. hhands361

    Cycled Nano

    Hey everyone i just finished cycling my 10g nano. Or I should say the tank has been cycled for about three weeks. So far I have whats in my signature, and I wondering when its good to start adding corals etc. I want to keep just invertabrates in the tank like maybe 2 skunk cleaners and 2 sexy...
  19. hhands361

    My New Aquarium

    Like the colors!
  20. hhands361

    Please help ID

    sebae anemone, ???, ricordia shrooms, toadstool leather